Chennai - Chennai

Chennai (tidligere Madras; Tamil: சென்னை), er hovedstaden i det sydlige Indisk staten af Tamil Nadu. Med en befolkning på 8,6 millioner (2011-folketællingen) er Chennais urbaniserede område det mest folkerige i det sydlige Indien og den fjerde mest folkerige i Indien. Det er på østkysten af ​​halvøen Indien.

Selvom Chennai sporer sin historie til Fort St George og den tilstødende landsby Madrasapatnam grundlagt af British East India Company i 1640, er nogle byområder i byen ældre. Navnet Madras blev ændret til Chennai i 1997 af en særlig lov fra Tamil Nadu-lovgiveren.

Chennai er godt forbundet med vej, jernbane og luft og er et mellemstadium for ture til det 7. århundrede Pallava-templet i Mahabalipuram, et UNESCO verdensarvssted, de hinduistiske templer i Kanchipuram, Sriperumbudur og Tirupati, fuglereservatet Vedanthangal og Pondicherry ashram.

Chennai har et ekstremt varmt og fugtigt klima - især i maj måned og har kraftige regnvejr i løbet af monsunerne (juli til november). Det værste af varmen kan undgås ved at besøge fra november til februar.



Hesten og rytteren, Anna Salai.

Et kystnært sted, der har været beboet siden stenalderen, hvad der nu er Chennai, blev styret af de tre kronede konger (Cholas, Chera og Pandya-dynastierne) i det meste af sin historie. I middelalderen kom det under kontrol af Vijayanagara-imperiet.

Chennai er forbundet med en af ​​de tolv apostle i Kristendom, Thomas. Han menes at være gået for at evangelisere i Indien og døde i Mylapore, i dag et kvarter i Chennai. De to moderne forstæder i Chennai, St Thomas Mount og Santhome, blev navngivet til Thomas ære. I 1522 kom portugiserne til området, byggede en havn og navngav den derfor São Tomé efter Saint Thomas.

Chennai, den moderne by, blev grundlagt af British East India Company i 1639. Virksomheden købte jorden fra den lokale Nayak eller høvding den 22. august 1639, hvorfor Chennai i dag fejrer sin fødselsdag hvert år den 22. august. Det var en af ​​British East India Companys første forposter i Indien. Virksomheden byggede Fort St. George, som nu er det administrative og lovgivende hjemsted for Tamil Nadu-staten. Over tid, George Town absorberede mange nærliggende bydele og voksede til at blive den nuværende storby Chennai.

I 1996 ændrede Tamil Nadu-regeringen navnet på byen fra Madras - navnet, der blev vedtaget under britisk styre, til Chennai, som den siger er byens oprindelige navn.

Navnet Madras kommer fra Madraspatnam, hvilket er hvad briterne kaldte stedet, da de bosatte sig her. Dens oprindelse er usikker. Tradition antyder, at en fiskerby tæt på placeringen af ​​den britiske bosættelse blev kaldt Madraspatnam. Andre tror, ​​at de tidlige portugisiske sejlere måske har ringet til området Madre de Sois efter en tidlig bosætter, eller Madre de Deus efter en tidlig kirke (af St. Mary).

Chennai er afledt af Chennapatnam, et navn med næsten lige så usikker oprindelse. Traditionen siger, at Chennapatnam var navnet på en fiskerby nær Madraspatnam. Det er imidlertid ikke klart, om landsbyen var der på forhånd eller voksede op omkring Britisk Madraspatnam forlig.

Da bosættelserne voksede, placeringen af Chennapatnam og Madraspatnam blev forvirret, da de to bosættelser fusionerede til en enkelt by.

Under britisk styre blev det daværende Madras efterhånden et vigtigt administrativt center og blev knyttet til de andre store byer med jernbane, herunder Bombay og Calcutta. Madras var hovedstaden i Madras formandskab, en underafdeling, der styrede områderne i Sydindien under direkte britisk kontrol. Efter Indiens uafhængighed fortsatte byen med at være hovedstaden i Madras State. Efter at mange af Indiens stater blev omdøbt og reorganiseret på baggrund af sprog, blev Chennai hovedstad i staten Tamil Nadu.


I århundreder har Chennai været porten til det sydlige Indien med en meget anden kultur end de andre store byer i landet. Tamilsk kultur og tradition i sin kerne fejrer skønhed. Dette afsløres i sin dans, skulptur og tøj. Chennais demografi viser en mere forskelligartet befolkning end resten af ​​Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadus traditionelle kunstformer, musik og dans trives her. Køkkenet blander unikt traditionelle fødevarer, fastfood og filterkaffe. Arkitekturen varierer fra ældgamle templer til koloniale bygninger og skyskrabere fra det 21. århundrede. Vestlig og Indisk klassisk musik blomstre i Chennai sammen med et blomstrende natteliv. Der er danseskoler, der lærer alt fra traditionel Bharatnatyam til Salsa. Der er musikskoler, der lærer dig, hvordan du spiller veena, violin, guitar eller trommer næsten overalt. Chennai afspejler sin traditionelle arv fra december til januar i højden af ​​musikfestivalen. Det tøj, som lokalbefolkningen har på sig, er generelt konservativt efter vestlige standarder, men den yngre generation bærer moderne.

  • musik - Den klassiske musiktradition, der opstod i det sydlige Indien, herunder Chennai, er kendt som Karnatisk musik, hvoraf der har været mange komponister. Purandara Dasa, der boede i det 15. og 16. århundrede, er kendt som far (Pitamaha) til karnatisk musik på grund af hans banebrydende bidrag til traditionen. Purandara Dasa er kendt for at formulere de grundlæggende lektioner i karnatisk musik. De samtidige Tyagaraja, Muthuswami Dikshitar og Syama Sastri fra det 18. og 19. århundrede betragtes som treenigheden i karnatisk musik på grund af den høje kvalitetsmusik, de komponerede. Det Chennai musikfestival Kompositionerne af disse maestroer spilles ofte af nutidens kunstnere i løbet af musikfestivalsæsonen. Det Chennai musikfestival fra midten af ​​december til midten af ​​januar fejrer den klassiske musik i Sydindien, inklusive disse maestroer. Festivalen, der har udviklet sig til en kulturel ekstravaganza med mere end 2.000 kunstnere, der deltager i over 300 koncerter, afholdes overalt i byen på adskillige spillesteder, herunder auditorier, velkendte tempellokaler og kulturarvbungalows. Forestillinger består af vokal og instrumental musik, dans (solo og gruppe), både af junior og senior kunstnere. Musikken inkluderer klassiske vokaludgivelser på forskellige sydindiske sprog som tamil, telugu og kannada og instrumenter som fløjte, veena (et stort strengeinstrument), goottuvadyam (ligner veena men uden bånd), nagaswaram (pipe), thavil (percussion instrument), mridangam (tromme) og endda ghatam (en mudderkrukke). Oplysninger om billetter og spillesteder kan fås fra turistkontoret i Chennai. I dag er musikken i den tamilske filmindustri opstået som en vigtig underholdningsplatform i Chennai. Kollywood, som det er kendt, afslører den igangværende udvikling og ændringer i tamilsk kultur over tid.
  • Dans - Chennai og resten af ​​Tamil Nadu er forbundet med en verdensberømt form for klassisk dans, The Bharatnatyam. Denne klassiske dans fejrer verden og universet ved at fremvise den menneskelige krops skønhed. Danseren repræsenterer dette ved at have en perfekt lige kropsholdning, en tud buet mave, en afrundet og et forholdsmæssigt forhold mellem krop og masse, meget langt hår og buede hofter. Positionerne og bevægelserne bringer Natyashastra-principperne til live. Det araimandi kropsholdning er en anden åndelig skildring, hvor danseren udgør en halvt siddende, fast stilling med knæene vendt sidelæns. I araimandi, er afstanden mellem danserens hoved og navlen lig med afstanden mellem jorden og navlen. Ligeledes er afstanden mellem danserens højre arm og venstre arm ved fuld strækning lig med afstanden mellem hoved og fødder. Dette personificerer skabelse og liv.
  • Køkken - Som med det meste af det sydlige Indien er basisfødevarer i byen det ris. Chennai tilbyder forskellige ikke-vegetariske og vegetariske delikatesser. Maden i Chennai får sin smag fra en kombination af krydderier, urter og krydderier, der bruges i hele Tamil Nadu. Tamarind, kokos og asafoetida er vigtige i næsten enhver vegetarisk opskrift. Raffineret gingellyolie bruges ofte som standardolie ved madlavning. Blandede krydderier og chutney ledsager måltiderne for at forbedre dens smag. En Chennai-frokost består af ris med en række retter inklusive sambar (tynd linse karry), chutney, rasam (en bouillon lavet af peber og tamarind) og yoghurt / ostemasse. Ikke-vegetariske frokoster inkluderer måltider tilberedt med kylling, fisk eller fårekød. Appalams (papadums) er et vigtigt tilbehør til et tamilsk måltid. I Chennai er det Chettinad-køkken, der skiller sig ud fra de andre. Køkkenet er krydret og varmt og tilbyder lækker variation i en række kødretter, hvoraf den bedst kendte uden tvivl er Chettinad peber kylling. Et Chennai-twist på Mughalai-køkken kan opleves i paya (en krydret traveres bouillon) og biryani. Morgenmad i Chennai består af idli (dampet ris og linsekager), dosa (en tynd og salte, crepe-lignende pandekage tilberedt af linser og ris dej), vada (donuts lavet af friturestegning af sort linser), pongal (en kogt mos af linser og ris krydret med cashewnødder, ghee, spidskommen og peber), upma (ristet semulje garneret med krydderier og olie). De fleste Chennai-morgenmad ledsages af sambar, melagai podi (en pulverformet blanding af forskellige tørrede linser spist med olie) og kokosnødchutney. Chennai er også kendt forfilterkaffe, den mest populære type kaffe i tamilsk kultur. Det er en besværlig opgave at fremstille filterkaffe. Først bønner bønner og males. Kaffepulveret skal derefter hældes i et filter sæt sammen med kogende vand, som får lov at infundere i ca. 15 minutter. Derefter blandes afkoget med sukker og mælk. Drikken, når den er tilberedt, hældes hurtigt frem og tilbage fra det ene kar til det andet, hvilket giver en perfekt, luftet kop kaffe. Filterkaffe er forfriskende og har en langvarig smag.
  • Tøj - Det traditionelle tøj til tamilske kvinder er sari mens mændene bærer dhoti, som enten kunne være en hvid pancha eller en farverig lungi med typiske sydindiske mønstre. Sari, der er en ikke-syet wrap, forbedrer bærerens form, mens den kun delvis dækker midriff. I indisk filosofi betragtes navlen fra det højeste væsen som kilden til liv og kreativitet. Disse sari-principper gælder også for andre former for indpakket tøj, som lungerne, der bæres af mænd. Lungi kan pakkes med uret eller mod uret og kan bindes bagpå eller fastgøres lige langs taljen. Det løftes undertiden indtil knæet og bundet i taljen afslappet eller bare holdes i bærerens hånd for at fremskynde gangen. I traditionelle Brahmin-hjem bærer mænd kachche panchey, hvor den er bundet bagpå ved at tage den mellem benene. Et lignende mønster ses hos kvinder.


Dens kystposition og nærhed til ækvator gør Chennais klima fugtigt og tropisk hele året rundt.

Chennai har overvejende to årstider - sommer fra april til juni (35-42 ° C), den højeste registrerede temperatur var 45 ° C (113 ° F) i 2003) og monsunen fra oktober til december. Byen får knap nok regn fra den sydvestlige monsun (juni-september), men modtager store mængder fra nordøstlige monsun fra oktober til december, hvert år på mellem 125 og 150 cm regn. I løbet af nogle årstider får Chennai en større mængde nedbør, hvis der er depressioner i Bengalbugten.

Perioden fra december til februar er den mildeste med hensyn til temperatur, hvor det daglige interval i gennemsnit er 19-28 ° C (66-82 ° F). Sørg for at tage tyndt og let tøj med.


Bøger om Chennai

  • Chennai, Not Madras: Perspectives on the City (2006) af A.R. Venkatachalapati
  • Ånden fra Chepauk (1998) af S. Muthiah
  • Madras Genopdaget: En historisk guide til at se sig omkring (1999) af S. Muthiah
  • Historien om Fort St. George (1945) af oberst D.M. Reid

Skønlitteratur i Chennai

  • Helbredelsen (2008) af Gita Aravamudan
  • Tamarind City (2012) af Bishwanath Ghosh

Tidlig morgen by

Chennai er en godmorgen by hvor alle restauranter, butikker og offentlige transportfaciliteter er i fuld gang i god tid før kl. Trafikken er i fuld styrke i god tid før kl. 8.


Vejskilt på Chennai - Bangalore motorvej

Tamil er det mest talte sprog i byen og det officielle sprog i staten Tamil Nadu. Engelsk er imidlertid godt forstået og betydeligt kendt i byen, hvor de fleste af de veluddannede overklasser taler flydende engelsk. Den dialekt af tamil, der bruges af lokalbefolkningen, kaldes Madras Bashai og inkluderer en uforholdsmæssigt høj del af ordforrådet på engelsk, telugu, sanskrit, hindi og urdu og deres derivater. Hvidhalsede fagfolk bruger Tanglish, en form for konversations tamil, der indeholder et stort antal engelske ord. Begge former for tamil er forskellige fra de dialekter, der tales i andre dele af staten og ses ofte foragteligt af tamilske purister.

Telugu tales af en fjerdedel af byens befolkning. Chennai ligger mindre end 60 km fra telugu-talende Andhra Pradesh grænse. De fleste telugu-højttalere er bosat i Chennai i generationer og er normalt tosprogede i både tamil og telugu. Telugu-scriptet er imidlertid langt mindre forstået, og meget få er færdige i sproget. Som centrum for anti-hindi-agitationer fra 1930'erne og 1960'erne har byen værdsat en dybt rodet fjendtlighed for hindi. Siden 1980'erne, hvor den meget politiserede retorik mod hindi begyndte at tone ned, har tolerancen for hindi imidlertid været stigende. Ikke desto mindre er hindi stadig ikke almindeligt talt eller forstået af lokalbefolkningen, så hvis du ikke taler tamil, vil det være bedre for dig at prøve engelsk. At lære få sætninger på tamil kan være nyttigt.

Hop ind

Med fly

Chennai Internationale Lufthavn
Kort over Chennai-transport
  • 1 Chennai Internationale Lufthavn (MAA IATA, Madras lufthavn), GST Rd (Ca. 19 km sydvest fra centrum), 91 44 2256 0551. Den fjerde travleste i Indien (efter Bangalore, Mumbai og Delhi). Alle internationale fly ankommer til Anna Terminal, mens indenrigsfly ankommer til Kamraj Terminal. Begge terminaler er på samme vej og er 150 m fra hinanden. Det er det næststørste fragtcenter i landet efter Mumbai. Chennai Internationale Lufthavn (Q502670) på Wikidata Chennai International Airport på Wikipedia
    • Europa og Nordamerika: British Airways (London-Heathrow) og Lufthansa (Frankfurt) flyver direkte til Chennai med tilslutningstjenester fra destinationer i USA og Canada.
    • Sydøstasien: Thai Airways tilbyder nonstop-service fra Bangkok. Silk Air, Singapore Airlines og Scoot Tigerair forbinde Chennai med Singapore sammen med mange indiske luftfartsselskaber som Air India Express. Air Asia flyver fra Kuala Lumpur, Penang og Bangkok mens Malaysia Airlines tilbyder nonstop-service fra Malaysia. Cathay Pacific flyver direkte fra Hong Kong. Batik Air tilbyder service fra Jakarta og Denpasar, Bali med et mellemlanding i Kuala Lumpur.
    • mellem Østen: Nonstop-tjenester er tilgængelige for Chennai fra alle større mellemøstlige byer på Air Arabia, Air India Express, Oman Air, Emirates, Etihad Airways, Kuwait Airways, Qatar Airways, Saudia og Gulf Air.
    • Sri Lanka: Chennai er et knudepunkt for flyvninger fra Colombo med Sri Lankan Airlines og Air India Express.
    • Indenlandsk: Alle større indiske indenrigsflyselskaber (Spice, Go Air, Indigo) flyver til og fra Chennai og forbinder byen med destinationer over hele Indien. De fleste indenlandske luftfartsselskaber bruger også Chennai som et knudepunkt for flyvninger til de mindre byer i det sydlige Indien.

Lufthavn til det centrale forretningsdistrikt

  • 2 Tirusulam forstæder jernbanestation (direkte på tværs af gaden fra den indenlandske terminal. Gå gennem parkeringspladsen, kryds gaden og gå til venstre, indtil du ser stationen. På grund af afstanden fra lufthavnen (500-600 m) og den høje trafikmængde på vejen anbefales det kun at gå til stationen med begrænset bagage.). Dette er den mest overkommelige mulighed for at komme ind i centrum af Chennai. Toget stopper ved begge Egmore og Chennai Park. At komme til Chennai Central, følg folkemængderne, der forlader toget ved Chennai Park station. Det anbefales at få førsteklasses billetter, hvis du ender med at nå lufthavnen i spidsbelastningstid. Overbelægning forekommer ofte i de generelle rum, når de tager pendlere til og fra arbejde. I spidsbelastningsperioder kan selv førsteklasses rum blive overfyldte. Almindelig billet: 5 kr. Førsteklasses billet: omkring £ 70 til / fra centrum. Tirusulam jernbanestation (Q7809428) på Wikidata Tirusulam jernbanestation på Wikipedia

Brug forudbetalt taxa at nå det centrale forretningsdistrikt. Hver terminal har mange taxakabiner, når du forlader lufthavnen. Overhalingsbane har den bedste repræsentant, regner med omkring £ 560 til byens centrum for en Toyota Innova eller tilsvarende. Priserne er forskellige for de internationale og indenlandske terminaler, selvom terminalerne ligger ved siden af ​​hinanden. Du kan enten vælge standard taxaer (sort med gule toppe) eller den private opkaldstaxi (som kan komme i enhver farve). Det er bedre at have noget løst skift, når man betaler i skrankerne. Taxanummeret er skrevet på din afgift. Den ene kopi er til passageren, mens den anden er for chaufføren at hente billetprisen fra disken. Gør din vej til taxaholdepladsen og få taxanummeret tildelt ved det udpegede skrivebord. De hjælpsomme chauffører vil tilbyde at tage din bagage og guide dig til den taxa, der kører hurtigt op nær tildelingsskranken.

"Fasttrack" forudbetalt taxitjeneste har kabiner i de indenlandske og internationale terminaler. Sammenlignet med resten af ​​taxaerne er deres billetpris og service stort set god. Afhængigt af dit behov kan du komme fra Maruti van til Toyota Innova.

De forudbetalte og gule toptaxier har ikke aircondition, blev lavet i 1970'erne og 80'erne, er usikre og er tilbøjelige til at stoppe midtvejs på en rejse. Chaufførerne udviser nogle gange grov farlig adfærd og kan kræve ublu priser. Den "forudbetalte" betyder måske ikke noget, og de kan kræve mere, når du kommer ned. Hold dig væk fra disse typer taxaer.

Aviation Express er meget overpris.

Det Chennai Metro forbinder lufthavnen med byen for op til ₹ 50, f.eks. til CMBT-busstationen eller Koyambedu med skift i Alandur (jan 2017). Det udvides til centrum af byen.

Ola og Uber er blevet mere fremtrædende, og rejsende kan nemt booke en rejse på disse tjenester ved hjælp af en smartphone. De er generelt billigere end alle forudbetalte taxaer.

Med tog

Chennai Hovedbanegård
Chennai Egmore station
  • 3 Chennai Hovedbanegård (kode: MAS, tidligere: Madras Central, சென்னை நடுவம்) (Du kan ankomme til den forudbetalte taxa / bilstand og bestille en taxa for at transportere dig til dit nøjagtige opholdssted. Hovedindgangen er ved Park Town i krydset mellem den arterielle Poonamallee High Road, Pallavan Salai og Wall Tax Road mellem People's Park og Southern Railways hovedkvarter. Stationens lokaler er placeret på begge sider af Buckingham Canal, tidligere kendt som Cochranes Canal, der adskiller hovedstationen og forstadsterminalen. Forbundet med Park jernbanestation med metro.). Chennai Central Railway Station (Q257382) på Wikidata Chennai Central jernbanestation på Wikipedia
  • 4 Chennai Park forstæder jernbanestation, Poonamallee High Rd, Poongavanapuram. 'Syd' linje. Tag den mod vest til Central Beach eller mod Syd (vest) til Tambaram forbi Tirusulam station (et par hundrede meter væk fra Chennai International Airport).
  • 5 Chennai Egmore Togstation (kode MS) (Du kan ankomme til den forudbetalte taxa / bilstand og bestille en taxa for at transportere dig til dit nøjagtige opholdssted. Et stop fra Chennai Central jernbanestation med forstæder). Den anden vigtigste langdistancestation. Det har tog, der dækker alle steder i Tamil Nadu og også et par vigtige steder uden for det. Mange langdistance tog til Egmore stopper ved Tambaram (kode TBM).
  • 6 Chennai Beach Station, North Beach Road, George Town (Tæt på Chennai Port). Serverer forstæderne i Chennai forstæderbanen (hovedstation for den sydlige linje) og Mass Rapid Transit System i Chennai og et par persontog.
  • 7 Perambur togstation (kode PER), Perambur High Rd, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Bunder Garden, Perambu (NW fire km fra Chennai Central). Serverer forstæderne i Chennai.
  • 8 Tambaram Station (kode TBM, தாம்பரம் இரயில் நிலையம்), Railway Station Road, Tambaram East (SW 29 km fra Chennai Central). Serverer forstæderne i Chennai. Tog til Chennai Beach (hver 5-10 min.), Til Chengalpet (hver 10-15 min.) Og til Kancheepuram (halv time eller deromkring)

Tog, der forbinder Chennai med større knudepunkter som Bangalore, Mumbai og Delhi bookes normalt ud dage i forvejen. Hvis du planlægger at rejse med tog, kan du overveje at foretage en forhåndsreservation, reservationen åbner 60 dage før rejsedagen. AC-rum i togene foretrækkes for nye rejsende, da sovekabine- og siddeklasserum generelt er meget overfyldte. En 3-lags AC-kaj fra Chennai til Bangalore eller Coimbatore koster omkring 700 kr og det til Delhi omkring 2500 kr inklusive måltider.

Med bus

Chennai Mofussil busterminal (CMBT)
  • 9 CMBT (Chennai Mofussil Busterminal சென்னை புறநகர் பேருந்து நிலையம்), CMBT Passenger Way, Koyambedu (på den 30 m indre ringvej (Jawaharlal Nehru Road) i Koyambedu mellem SAF Games Village og Koyambedu Vegetable Market. -Chennai Mofussil busterminal metrostation), 91 44 24794705 (Forespørgsel). En af Asiens største busstationer. Syv forskellige statsejede virksomheder kører busser til og fra forskellige destinationer inden for Sydindien. Der er timebusser til steder som Tirupati, Pondicherry, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli. Du får mulighed for A / C eller ikke-A / C busser til byer som Bangalore, Trivandrum, Hyderabad. Den har seks platforme i tre busfingre med 180 buspladser.
  • 10 Omni busterminal (Chennai Contract Carriage Bus Terminus, CCCBT), Kaliamman Koil St, Virrugambakkam, Koyambedu (Vest til Kaliamman Koil St.Tag bus for at stoppe Arihant Towers Bus Stop. CMBT metrostation 400 m væk). Denne bruges af flere private aktører, der også kører busser mellem de fleste sydlige destinationer. I weekenden er de fleste busser fuldt optaget, og det er bedre at reservere en billet på forhånd. Omni Bus Booking: Nej: B-15, stueetagen, Sriji majestætiske kompleks (lige ved siden af ​​Omni busterminal).

Alle busser slutter nær Koyambedu, men der er forskellige stativer for statsejet (CMBT) og private busser (Omni busterminal). De to terminaler er tæt på hinanden, og det er bedre at fortælle din nøjagtige destination til taxa / auto-rickshaw-chaufføren. Busser kaster normalt passagerer på forskellige steder i byen, inden de når terminalen. Ak chaufføren eller medpassagererne det nærmeste afleveringssted til din destination.

Flere private aktører driver også busser mellem de fleste sydlige destinationer. I weekenden er de fleste busser fuldt optaget, og det er bedre at reservere en billet på forhånd. Alle busser slutter nær Koyambedu, men der er forskellige stativer for statsejede (CMBT) og private busser (Omni busterminaler). De to terminaler er tæt på hinanden, og det er bedre at fortælle din nøjagtige destination til taxa / auto-rickshaw-chaufføren. Busser kaster normalt passagerer på forskellige steder i byen, inden de når terminalen. Spørg gerne chaufføren eller medpassagererne om det nærmeste afleveringssted til din destination.

Med bil

Chennai er meget godt forbundet og til andre dele af Indien ad vej. Fem store nationale motorveje stråler udad mod Kolkata, Bengaluru, Tiruchy/Madurai, Tiruvallurog Pondicherry. Med fremskridt i Gylden firkant projekt, at køre ned fra Bangalore er også en mulighed. Der er mange biludlejningsselskaber til rådighed.

Komme omkring

13 ° 5′24 ″ N 80 ° 16′8 ″ Ø
Kort over Chennai

Det tager ofte tid at komme rundt i hjertet af Chennai by på grund af trafik og kraftig overbelastning. Så det tilrådes at planlægge din rejse i overensstemmelse hermed. At rejse inden for Chennai er ikke så billigt efter indiske storbystandarder og er ret billigt efter europæiske og USA-standarder.

Med tog

Chennai har en forstæder tognetværk. Der er fire ruter:

Chennai forstæder jernbane og bus samtrafik kort
  1. 11 Chennai Central Suburban Railway Station.
    • 12 Arakkonam forstæder jernbanestation, Railway Quarters Rd, Arakkonam North (Tæt på INS Rajali Naval Air Station - 60 km vest for centrum af byen).;
  2. Chennai Central Suburban Railway Station (se ovenfor)
    • 13 Gummidipoondi forstæder jernbanestation (40 km nord for centrum af byen).
    • 14 Sulurpet Suburban Railway Station, Sulurpeta, Andhra Pradesh-staten (84 km nord for centrum af byen).
    • 15 Gudur Station (Telugu: గుడూరు, Newari: गुडूरु), Gudur, Andhra Pradesh-staten (N-NV 58 km fra Sulurpet).
  3. 16 Chennai Beach forstæder jernbanestation.
    • 17 Tambaram forstæder jernbanestation (Tamil: தாம்பரம், kode: TBM), GST Road, Tambaram (SW 29 km fra Chennai Central).
    • 18 Chengalpet forstæder jernbanestation, State Highway 58, J C K Nagar (Sydvestlige bred af Kolavai-søen. - SW 29 km fra Tambaram).;
  4. Chennai Beach forstæder jernbanestation (se ovenfor)
    • 19 Velachery (MRTS) forstæder jernbanestation (nær krydset mellem Velachery Main Road og Inner Ring Road i Velachery; nord for Pallikaranai Marshland).

Forstadstogene er generelt pålidelige og hurtige. Hyppigheden af ​​forstæder er generelt god, og det tilrådes at tage en førsteklasses billet i spidsbelastningstider. Tog tilbyder et pålideligt alternativ til hurtigt at nå din destination sammenlignet med busser, der kan blive fanget i trafikpropper. Billetprisen i Chennai forstæder er den laveste i landet, og du behøver ikke at gå på kompromis med komforten for det ringe beløb, du betaler som i andre indiske metroer. Der er et separat damerrum i forstæderne, der er relativt mindre overfyldt selv i spidsbelastningstider. Den laveste andenklasses togpris er ₹ 5. Du kan dog være nødt til at vente selv i næsten en halv time i kø for billet i spidsbelastningstider. Så det ville være bedst, hvis du køber et kort, der er tilgængeligt på hver station, der kan bruges til at købe billetter fra en billetautomat, som næsten ingen bruger. Opbevar altid din bagage sikker, når du rejser i forstæderne.

Chennai Metro Rail

Chennai Metro Rail udvides regelmæssigt. Andre linjer er under opførelse og vil snart være i drift. De forbinder lufthavnen, jernbanestationen, CMBT-busstationen og det meste af byen. Frekvensen er 10 minutter mellem Alandur og Shenoy Nagar og 20 minutter mellem lufthavnen og Nehru Park. Chennai Metro Rail kører M-Sa 6 AM-10PM og Su 8 AM-10PM.

Den maksimale billetpris mellem Chennai Lufthavn og Nehru Park (som er 1½ km fra Egmore og 2½ km fra Chennai Central) er ₹ 60 pr. Person. Tourist Travel Card tilbyder ubegrænset rejse inden for Chennai Metro Rail-netværket i en dag. Det koster £ 100, hvoraf £ 50, når det returneres. Chennai Metro Rail har bagagekontrol som lufthavn og er meget sikker.

Chennai Lufthavn Metro er 400-500 m væk fra Chennai International og indenrigsterminal.

Også turist kan bruge Chennai Metro Rail-appen (Google Play butik / Apple Itune). Appen indeholder oplysninger om togtider, udgangsporte og platform, billetpris mellem to stationer, den nærmeste metrostation, og hvordan man når stationen i bil, offentlig transport og gåtur.

Med bus

Metropolitan Transport Corporation busser kører i hele byen. Disse er regeringsdrevne og ekstremt billige.

  • 20 Broadway bybussterminal, NSC Bose Rd, Esplanade, George Town (I centrum af byen - Parrys hjørne og fort. Meget tæt på Chennai Central banegård. Den nærmeste forstæder jernbanestation er Chennai Fort.). Den største bybusterminal i Metropolitan Transport Corporation (Chennai), Chennai .; Det ligger overfor Madras High Court langs Esplanade i George Town. Det er et forbindelsespunkt til flere områder i byen. Busterminalen ligger i den sydlige ende af Broadway.

Normalt er busprisen i MTC fra 4-30 ₹. Statskorporation har også Deluxe- og A / C-busser til Chennai-passagerer. Billetprisen for deluxe-bus er næsten to gange sammenlignet med den normale bus. For samme rute har deluxe- og normalbus samme nummer, men der køres deluxe-busser med målrettet langdistancerejse, da den kun stopper ved større busstop. Så hvis du finder normale busser for overfyldte, skal du tage en luksuriøs bus. Ikke-AC deluxe har også strømporte og bedre affjedring, som du ikke finder i normal bus. Hvis du har bagage med dig, skal du muligvis betale udgifterne til en ekstra person afhængigt af størrelsen.

MTC Chennai driver AC-busforbindelse mellem vigtige ruter som Parrys - Tambaram, Parrys - CMBT, Chennai Central - CMBT, Chennai central - Tambaram osv. Hyppigste AC-bus kører mellem CMBT mod Pondicherry og er kendt som East Coast road (ECR) busser og er også meget populær til rejser med intracity.

Daglige og ugentlige buskort er tilgængelige for turister, der koster £ 50 eller £ 300. De kan bruges på normale og luksuriøse busforbindelser (men ikke AC) på alle ruter i byen. Det er værd at købe dagskortet, hvis du planlægger at besøge mere end et par steder om dagen, og det vil spare dig for besværet med at opretholde løs forandring. Dagskortet kan købes på den første bus, du går ombord fra konduktøren, mens ugekortet og månedskortet sælges i kiosker i større terminaler.

Busruteoplysninger for MTC Chennai er tilgængelige online på officielle side og Jaanlo.

State Express Transport Corporation-busser kører til forskellige dele af staten. Private transportører kører også til andre byer i staten. Du kan købe disse busbilletter online på redBus eller læse Indien eller RathiMeena eller Myticketbuddy.

Af auto-rickshaw

Chennai har omkring 71.000 auto rickshaw.

Billetpriserne i Chennai-auto-rickshaw har været et enormt politisk emne i mange år og har bidraget til opfattelsen af, at byens auto-rickshaw-chauffører aldrig bruger målere og konstant fleece-passagerer. På trods af omdømmet er ture med auto rickshaw faktisk hurtige, men sjældent baseret på den målte pris.

Minimumsprisen er sat til ₹ 25 for de første 1,8 km og ₹ 12 / km for hver ekstra kilometer (2013). Venteafgifter blev fastsat til 3,50 kr for hvert femte minut og 42 kr pr. Time. Mellem 23:00 og 05:00 er billetprisen 50% højere end den normale dagspris.

Auto-rickshaw-målere er udstyret med GPS og elektroniske digitale kvitteringsprintere. Fra og med 2015 er der dog kun en lille del af biler, der har disse funktioner.

På trods af de officielle priser er situationen fra 2015, at chaufføren og passageren aftaler, inden turen begynder til en pris på a) meter, b) måler et ekstra beløb eller c) en fast pris.

Om bilchaufføren accepterer en målt billetpris afhænger af mange faktorer. Generelt accepterer mange chauffører en pris på meter plus yderligere 10-30 £. Men i travle tidspunkter som myldretid på hverdage er næsten ingen chauffører enige om at måleprisen og vil insistere på en fast pris eller i det mindste efterspørgsel en billetpris plus 30-100 kr. På den anden side, på langsommere tidspunkter, f.eks. Søndage, vil mange bilister acceptere målepriser uden tillæg. Nogle chauffører accepterer simpelthen aldrig afregnede priser, uanset hvad tid det er.

De faste priser, som bilister kræver, er relateret til afstand. De har generelt en god fornemmelse for, hvor meget billetprisen vil være for en given rute og beder om faste priser, der er omkring det dobbelte, hvad det vil koste pr. Meter. For kortere afstande, der koster 25-50 pr. Meter, er den krævede faste pris 100-150, -. For længere afstande, der koster 50-150 kr. Pr. Meter, er den krævede faste pris 200-300 kr. Depending on the situation, it's possible to negotiate down the demanded fixed price.

For short distances up to 1.8 km, auto drivers as of 2015 very rarely will agree to the metered price of ₹25. Generally, ₹40-50 is the minimum most will require for any trip, although at off-peak hours, it might be possible with negotiation and speaking to many autos to find a driver who will agree to ₹30-40. For a typical trip in the city of 3-5 km, many drivers will demand ₹100-150, but at non-peak hours a fare of ₹50-₹0 will usually be sufficient after speaking to a few drivers.

At all times, the price agreed depends very much on the passenger's knowledge of the distance involved and price it would cost by meter, his/her negotiation skill, and the time s/he is willing to spend asking auto after auto. In almost any central area, there are many autos around, so if you have the time, it's possible to save quite a bit by speaking to many auto drivers until you find an acceptable fare.

Many passengers now opt for Ola, Uber or other similar taxi-order services simply to avoid the frustration and time involved with negotiating with auto after auto.

All autos in Chennai have meters, but at least a quarter of drivers have disabled their meter in some way in order to make it not functional and the passenger must agree to a fixed price if s/he wants to use that auto. For those meters which function, you can see the price, kilometres and waiting time, and thereby confirm that the meter is fairly following the official tariff structure.

Share autos have emerged as an alternative mode of transport in Chennai. They are over-sized three wheelers running on diesel and charge slightly more than the bus. There are four wheelers known as meter taxis, which don't have a meter and are not taxis. Another four wheeler, Magic (manufactured by Tata), has started running in and around the city, which operate similar to share autos and meter taxis. They are all over crowded and the drivers indulge in rash driving, owing to the competition. The only advantage is that it is cost effective.

If you are fascinated by the idea of going around in an auto, think about all those foreigners, who are riding an auto from Chennai to Mumbai.

A Chennai-based event management company, Chennai Event Management Services, has been having auto-rickshaw rallies from Chennai to Mumbai, or Kanyakumari, etc., and has developed a great fan following for them.

Med taxa

Taxis (locally called "call-taxis" since they must be pre-arranged) are available by phone. They are mostly reliable, can be ordered air-conditioned, and have digital fare meters, although time-based hire is also possible with some companies. Most companies charge a minimum fare of ₹150, which is for 5 km (3 mi) and for every subsequent kilometre they charge ₹18. Alternatively, you can hire a car for a half/full day for around ₹800/1300. These figures are for basic non-AC Ambassadors, add about 50% if you want a comfier aircon Tata Indica. Waiting charges are included in the meter cost but you are required to pay parking and toll fees additional to the fare displayed in the meter. If your trip is time-sensitive, it's best to book your taxi a few hours in advance and call shortly before your trip to confirm.

Most prepaid taxi operators have choice of vehicles. Indica is the ubiquitous hatch back that can seat 3 passengers, but it is almost impossible to find one of these well maintained. Opt for a Figo or Liva instead of the Indica when you book the taxi, these are newer models and likely to be in better state of maintenance. If you prefer a sedan, choices are Etios, Maruti Dzire and Ford Fiesta. SUV models Innova or Xylo have more space and are suitable for small groups (up to 7). Innova has a well deserved reputation with travellers for airport transfers due to the reliability, spacious seats and capacity to carry more luggage.

Tourist cabs - Are the best choice in case you want to tour the city all day or visit nearby places like Mahabalipuram, and Tirupati. Costs about ₹10 per kilometre and ₹100 per hour as hire charges. Also generally there is special price if you need to go Chennai Central or Chennai Airport.

Some radio taxi services are:

Med bil

It is generally not advisable for foreign travellers to drive on their own as they might be unaware of the traffic rules and congestion in the city. The roads in Chennai are better maintained than the average Indian road. The main highway is Anna Salai også kendt som Mount Road.

The complex road routes may confuse novice driver and it is sheer waste of time. If you choose to rent a car, it's strongly advised to hire a driver as well. Typical driver fee comes to around ₹250 for 4-hour shift and an additional ₹50 every hour thereafter. Outstation trips cost a driver fee of ₹750 for a 12-hour journey.

Diesel and petrol are used as fuel in India and it varies with the model of the car. Some cars have identical models with only a D badge to indicate diesel. Make sure you find out what type of fuel the car uses from the rental company.

ECR or East Coast Road is one of the very few places around Chennai that is best enjoyed by car. There are a lot of scenic views with many sightseeing options along the route. For most of the sights within the city limits, travellers would be better served by public transport or a taxi.



Basilica of the National Shrine of St.Thomas
St. Anthony Armenian Church
  • 1 Basilica of the National Shrine of St.Thomas, 38, Santhome High Road, Mylapore (Thirumayilai MRTS 1 km west), 91 44 24985455, 91 44 24980758, . Daily 5AM-9PM. In the whole world, there are only three churches built over the tomb of an Apostle of Jesus Christ- the Basilica of Saint Peter built over the tomb of St.Peter in Rome, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela built over the tomb of St.James in Spain and Basilica of the National Shrine of St.Thomas built over the tomb of St.Thomas. Basilica of the National Shrine of St.Thomas is in Chennai, India. The present National Shrine of St.Thomas is built over the tomb of Saint Thomas the Apostle, who came to India in the year 52 AD. After preaching on the west coast, he came to Chennai (formerly Madras), and suffered martyrdom on a hill at the outskirts of the city, today known as "St. Thomas Mount." His body was buried on the spot over which the present Basilica stands. A valuable work of art kept in the Basilica is an ancient painting of Our Blessed Mother, in front of which the other great apostle of India, St. Francis Xavier, used to pray. There are two new structures today: the Tomb Chapel below the Basilica and 'Museum cum theatre'. The new underground chapel with a separate access outside the church structure, allows pilgrims to pray at the tomb and tourists to visit it, without disturbing the sacred functions in the church. The museum exhibits artifacts connected with St. Thomas and the Basilica, and the theatre is used for screening a short video on the life of the Apostle. San Thome-basilikaen (Q733577) på Wikidata St. Thomas Cathedral Basilica, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 2 Church in honour of Our Lady of Health (Church of the Madonna of Velankanni, Annai Velankanni Shrine), Elliot's Beach, Beach Rd, Ashtalakshmi Garden, Besant Nagar (From Indira Nagar MRTS), 91 44 24911246, 91 44 365 263 421, fax: 91 43 65263 517. 5AM-9PM. Founded in the 16th century after the three miracles: the apparition of Mary and Jesus to a slumbering shepherd boy, the curing of a lame buttermilk vendor, and the survival of Portuguese sailors assaulted by a violent sea storm.
  • 3 Church of Our Lady of Light (Luz Church). Built in 1516 by the Portuguese. Church of Our Lady of Light, Chennai (Q5116974) på ​​Wikidata Church of Our Lady of Light, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 4 Descanso Church, St. Mary's Road, Mylapore (Mandaiveli MRTS Station 700 m). A cultural and religious centre. Built in the 17th century. This was where St. Thomas, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, took rest and also served the people. Descanco Church (Q5263673) på Wikidata Descanco Church på Wikipedia
  • 5 Holy Cross Church (Church of South India), Perumal Nagar, Mogappair East (Thirumangalam Metro Station 2 km east). Or near to Golden Flats Bus Stop), 91 90431 13263 (Mobile). Built in the 1890s as the Perambur Railway Church, when it was under the railway authorities. Here was earlier a predominantly Anglo-Indian congregation though now there are also families from other southern states.
  • 6 Lutheran Adaikalnathar Church (TELC), Tana St, 91 44 2642 4005. Protestant Church which is more than 100 years old.
  • 7 St Andrews Church (The Queen of Scottish Churches in the East, Tamil: புனித அந்திரேயா கோவில்), Poonamallee High Road, New Bupathy Nagar (Chennai Egmore Railway Station 200m). Neoclassical church. Built in 1821. The St. Andrews Church has finely etched white Doric columns, black and white tiled marble roof, and a high, sky-blue dome of enviable beauty. On the inner surface of the dome, constellations of stars, as they can be viewed in Scotland, are painted realistically. The body of the church is a circle, with rectangular compartments to the east and west. The circular part 24.5 m in diameter, is crowned by a shallow masonry dome colored a deep blue. This is painted with golden starsand supported by 16 fluted pillars with Corinthian capitals St. Andrews kirke (Q189141) på Wikidata St Andrew's Church, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 8 St. Anthony Armenian Church (Tamil: ஆர்மேனியன் தேவாலயம்), Armenian Street, Parrys (Chennai Beach Railway Station 400m). Opened for visitors 9AM-2:30PM. Constructed in 1712 and reconstructed in 1772. The graves of about 350 Armenians have been laid out throughout the Church. The founder, publisher and editor of the world's first Armenian periodical "Azdarar", Reverend Haroutiun Shmavonian, is buried here. The Belfry adjacent to the main church structure houses six large bells which are rung every Sunday at 9:30AM.
  • 9 St. George's Cathedral, 224, Cathedral Rd (Next to U.S. Consulate), 91 44-28114261, 91 98409 31556 (mobile). Built in 1815. A neoclassical church. Showing elements of Georgian architecture. It has a towering 45-m spire and ionic columns. The highlight of this cathedral is the graveyard. Connected by a guardrail what was made up of war emblems of the capture of Srirangapatnam in 1799. St. George's Cathedral (Q199785) på Wikidata St. George's Cathedral, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 10 St. Lazarus' Church. St. Lazarus 'kirke, Chennai (Q7589510) på Wikidata St. Lazarus 'Church, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 11 St. Mary's Church, Rajaji Salai (Situated in the fort, south to Legislature and Secretariat). Sa-Th 10AM-5PM. This is one of the oldest surviving churches built by the British i Indien. This is the first English church in India and the oldest Anglican church in the East. Designed by William Dixon, the then Master Gunner of the Fort, it was constructed under the supervision of the Governor Streynsham Master. Given the precarious nature of the English presence in India at the time (not to mention later attacks by the French and the locals), the church has a defensive stance- thick walls, castellated parapets and a well within the grounds - to withstand any bombardment or siege). The church was consecrated on 28 October 1680. The tower was completed in 1701; the steeple added in 1710 and the tower was connected to the main body of the church in 1759. Robert Clive - more famous as Clive of India - married Margaret Maskelyne here in 1753. The first but equally famous wedding was that of Governor Elihu Yale (who was to become the benefactor of Yale College) to Catherine Himmers in November 1680. The interior of the church contains many fascinating plaques and monuments to early British India evoking past glories and lives full of achievement. It also contains the old colours of the Madras Fusiliers, the first European regiment of the East India Company. The glass windows, wall frescos, teak plaques still shine with their all time glory.
  • 12 St.Mary's Co-Cathedral, 63/110, Armenian Street,George Town, 91 44 2538 4848. St.Mary's Co-Cathedral (Q7586666) på Wikidata St Mary's Co-Cathedral på Wikipedia
  • 13 St. Mark's Church, Pedariyar koil Street. St. Mark's Church, Chennai (Q7589906) på Wikidata St. Mark's Church, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 14 St. Matthias Church, 7, Vepery Church Road, Vepery, 91 44 2532 3124. One of the oldest churches in Chennai which was built by the British. Its also has a higher secondary school in the campus which has boys and girls studying in the school.
  • 15 Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Chennai (Q7401984) på ​​Wikidata Sankt Patricks kirke, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 16 Saint Theresa Church Perambur, Siruvallur High Rd, Jagannathan Colony (Perambur Station 400m away).
  • 17 St. Thomas Mount, Parangi Malai, St Thomas Mount, Chennai South. (OTA Metro Station ½ km away (2015), or take bus to stop Butt Road). St. Thomas, referred to as Didymus, in the Gospel of St.John is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. He is one of the prime witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. St. Thomas Mount is associated with St. Thomas, the apostle of Christ, who is believed to have been martyred here. The mount is commonly called in Tamil "Parangi Malai" or "Bhringi Malai'.History says 2000 years ago, a saint 'Parangi' lived here ('parangi' in Tamil language is used to refer to a white person). According to local myth, St. Thomas was one of the first Christians to reach India and to preach Christianity. He is believed to have reached South India in AD 52, and spent the last years of his life in a cave on this hill. Tradition states that Thomas was assassinated by an arrow in AD 72, by persons hostile to him. Thus, the hillock acquired the name St. Thomas Mount. Over time Anglo-Indians predominated in this area. A small relic-filled Church built in 1523 by the Portuguese stands at the summit of the 300 feet (90m) high St. Thomas Mount. The place was visited by Pope John Paul II during his visit to India on 5 February 1986. At the northern foot of the mount, is a gateway of four impressive arches surmounted by a cross bearing the inscribed date 1547. A flight of 160 steps leads up to the summit of the mount. There are fourteen stations of the cross erected on the way to the summit.
  • 18 Queenship of Mary Church, Vethagiri St, Chintadripet, Adikesavarpuram, Park Town. Queenship of Mary Church Chintadripet (Q7270874) på ​​Wikidata Queenship of Mary Church Chintadripet på Wikipedia
  • 19 The Tamil Baptist Church, 78/91, Medavakkam Tank Rd, Sanyasipuram, Kilpauk, 91 44 2640 0717. In Kilpauk is worth a visit. It is a 107-year-old monument.
  • 20 Wesley Church. Wesley Church, Egmore (Q24939047) på Wikidata Wesley Church, Egmore på Wikipedia


  • 21 Bahram Jung Mosque, Anna Salai, Nandanam (Next to Witco). Late 18th century. Bahram Jung-moskeen (Q4842845) på Wikidata Bahram Jung-moskeen på Wikipedia
Big Mosque, Chennai
  • 22 Big Mosque (Wallajah Mosque), Walajah Road in Triplicane (M: Government Estate Metro Station (2015) or take bus to Stop Adams Market). This is a historical landmark. Constructed by Wallajah family in memory of Nawab Muhammad Ali Walajah, in 1795. It is an imposing structure of symmetry and form of architectural magnificence with an imposing facade. The Mosque stands in extensive grounds, which are being used as a forum for religious and cultural activities. The magnificent grey granite structure is built without steel and wood. This architectural marvel is one of the important mosques in Chennai. The Nawab’s descendants are still living in a mansion known as Amir Mahal. One distinctive feature of this mosque is that the chronogram engraved in stone and fixed on the inside of the western wall of the mosque is by a non-Muslim, Rajah Makkan Lal “Khirad”, a Persian and Arabic scholar of repute, who was the private secretary to the Nawab. It may be mentioned in this regard that, as far as is known, no other mosque in the world has a chronogram composed by a non-Muslim. The Mosque has two minarets at the front. Medieval architecture is clearly visible in the construction of this great mosque. The Eid Prayer timing remains the same, 10AM, since 1749 A.D. This historic mosque is under the management of H.H. Adjoining the Wallajah Mosque is the tomb of the great Islamic saint Maulana Abdul Ali Bahrul Uloom, a divine scholar of the days of the Nawab Wallajah. In this enclosure also are the tombs of the late Nawabs of the Carnatic, the Princess of Arcot and other eminent Muslim scholars and theologians. Wallajah Mosque can be reached either from Ellis Rd (backside) or the Triplicane High Rd. Triplicane Big Mosque (Q23405815) på Wikidata Triplicane Big Mosque på Wikipedia
  • Casa Verona's Mosque. Casa Veronas moske (Q5047887) på Wikidata Casa Veronas moske på Wikipedia
  • 23 Dharma Kidangu Mosque, Angappa Naicken St, Mannady, George Town. Rebuilt 2008. Dharma Kidangu-moskeen (Q5269231) på Wikidata Dharma Kidangu-moske på Wikipedia
  • 24 Hafiz Ahmad Khan Mosque (next to Vivekanandar Illam). Hafiz Ahmad Khan-moskeen (Q5638358) på Wikidata Hafiz Ahmad Khan-moskeen på Wikipedia
  • 25 Makkah Masjid and Islamic Center, 822, Mt Rd, Anna Salai (Near to Mount Road Dhargah Bus Stop). Makkah Masjid, Chennai (Q6739781) på Wikidata Makkah Masjid, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • Masjid Mamoor. Masjid Mamoor (Q6783352) på Wikidata Masjid Mamoor på Wikipedia
  • 26 Masjid-o-Anwari. Masjid-o-Anwari (Q6783318) på Wikidata Masjid-o-Anwari på Wikipedia
  • 27 Periamet Mosque (Masjid Periamet). Periamet-moskeen (Q7168354) på ​​Wikidata Periamet-moskeen på Wikipedia
  • 28 Thousand Lights Mosque, Peters Road, Peters Colony, Royapetta. 19th-century multi-domed mosque.


  • 29 Adeeswar Temple (Vada Sabari), 82 Santhome Hwy Road, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai-28. This temple is the exact replica of Sabari Malai, Kerala where Lord Iyyappa is worshipped.
Gopurams of Kapaleeshwarar Temple
  • Alamelumangapuram Anjaneya Temple. Anjaneya Temple, Alamelumangapuram (Q4765771) på Wikidata Anjaneya Temple, Alamelumangapuram på Wikipedia
  • Anantha Padmanabhaswami Temple, Adyar Signal. Anantha Padmanabhaswami Temple, Chennai (Q4751471) på Wikidata Anantha Padmanabhaswami Temple, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • Angala Parameswari Temple, Royapuram. Angala Parameswari Temple, Royapuram (Q4761921) på Wikidata Angala Parameswari Temple, Royapuram på Wikipedia
  • Angalamman Temple, Choolaimedu. Angalamman-templet (Q4761923) på Wikidata Angalamman-templet på Wikipedia
  • 30 Anjaneyaswami Temple (Anjaneya Temple), Nanganallur, Chennai-61 (Get down at St.Thomas Mount Railway station or Adambakkam Railway Station and catch an auto or walk for 15 minutes). This temple is very famous because of the deep veneration shown for Lord Hanuman. One amazing fact about this temple is the 32 feet (10m) idol of Anjaneyar that is moulded out of a single rock.
  • 31 Apparswami Temple. Apparswami-templet (Q4780945) på Wikidata Apparswami Temple på Wikipedia
  • Arulmigu Bala Subramanya Swamy Temple, Eldam's Rd.
  • 32 Ashtalakshmi Temple (Ashtalakshmi Kovil), Elliots Beach, Besant Nagar, Chennai.. 9:30AM-12:30PM, 4PM-8:30PM. The temple is dedicated to Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu. Astha, in Sanskrit, is the number eight and eight forms of Lakshmi are worshipped in the Ashtalakshmi temple. Ashtalakshmi Kovil (Q4805940) på Wikidata Ashtalakshmi Temple, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 33 Ayyappan Koil Temple, Anna Nagar. Anna Nagar Ayyappan Koil, Chennai (Q15181228) på Wikidata Anna Nagar Ayyappan Koil, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 34 Ayyappan Temple (R.A. Puram Ayyappan Koil), Madhavan Nair Street, Mahalingapuram, Nungambakkam, Chennai-34. This is the first temple dedicated to lord Ayyappan in Chennai city. The temple also houses Lord Vinayakar and Lord Subramanian with his consorts Valli and Devayani constituted the Parivarams. Rajah Annamalaipuram Ayyappan Koil, Chennai (Q16899142) på Wikidata Rajah Annamalaipuram Ayyappan Koil, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 35 Bhaktavatsala Perumal Temple. Bhaktavatsala Perumal Temple, Thirunindravur (Q4900870) på Wikidata Bhaktavatsala Perumal-tempel, Thirunindravur på Wikipedia
  • 36 Chennakesava Perumal Temple. Chennakesava Perumal Temple, Chennai (Q5091480) på Wikidata Chennakesava Perumal Temple, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • Chennai Om Sri Skandhashramam. Chennai Om Sri Skandhashramam (Q16961314) på ​​Wikidata Chennai Om Sri Skandhashramam på Wikipedia
  • 37 Chintadri Pillaiyar Kovil Ekambareswarar Temple, Ekambareshwar Agraharam St, Edapalaiyam, George Town.
  • 38 Ettampadai Temple. Ettampadai-templet (Q5404981) på Wikidata Ettampadai Temple på Wikipedia
  • 39 ISKCON Temple, Chennai (ISKCON Temple Puri). Injambakkam. Krishna temple built in 2012. ISKCON Temple Chennai (Q5974012) på Wikidata ISKCON Temple Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 40 Jagannath Temple, Chennai. Jagannath Temple, Chennai (Q6122162) på Wikidata Jagannath Temple, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 41 Kachchaleswarar Temple. Shiva temple. Kachchaleswarar-templet (Q6344625) på Wikidata Kachchaleswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • Kali, Bari Mallikesvarar Temple, Madhya Kailash (near IIT Madras and Adyar Cancer Institute.).
  • 42 Kaligambal Temple (Kamakshi Temple), Thambu Chetty Street, Chennai-1.. 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. Dedicated to Kalikambal and Kamateswarar, this temple was built close to sea shore but was relocated in 1640 AD. The great Maratha ruler Shivaji came in the temple to worship on 3 October 1667. Kalikambal-templet (Q6352668) på Wikidata Kalikambal-templet på Wikipedia
  • Kamaleswarar Temple. Kamaleswarar-templet (Q16889524) på ​​Wikidata Kamaleswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • 43 Kamakshiamman Temple of Mangadu, 21, Permual Koil Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Mangadu. 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. This temple is dedicated to the Divine Mother Shakti as Kamakshi Amman.
  • 44 Kandaswamy Temple, Cheyyur village (About 29 km from Madurantakam.). The temple was built in 11th century AD and is home to some unique, rich inscriptions of that century, giving an insight into the architectural characteristics of the style adopted by Chola Kings, who dominated those times. Veera Rajendra Chola and Kulothungan III built the Kandaswamy Temple. More two temples built here, at same time, are dedicated to Vanmikhanathar, i.e. Lord Siva, and to Perumal or Lord Vishnu. The Kandaswamy Temple is situated between the Shiva and Vishnu temples and Lord Kandaswamy or Shiva is the principal deity of the temple. The temple has number of shrines of other demigods like Lord Someswara, Goddess Meenakshi, Vinayaka, Dakshinamurthy, Chandikeswara and Muthukumaraswamy, also called as Samharamurthy. The temple has an idol of Muruga, son of the Lord Shiva, standing on five different positions, called by distinct names like: Nrutta Skandar (dancing Muruga), Brahma Sastha (created from Brahma), Balaskandar (child Shanmuga), Sivagurunathar (as teacher to Siva) and Pulinthar (vedan hunter). This Kandaswamy temple of Chennai is the most distinctive one. Other than the deities of utmost belief and the tranquil environment, the temple has an image of Kazhukundran, who had made an artful creation of a temple car in 1521 CE, which is used during the Skanda Sashti festival. Kanthaswamy Temple, Cheyyur (Q24939715) på Wikidata Kanthaswamy-templet, Cheyyur på Wikipedia
  • 45 Kandhazheeswarar temple, Kapaleesvarar Sannadhi Street, Mylapore. Shiva temple.
  • 46 Kapaleeswarar Temple (Kapaleeshwara), # 12, North Mada Street, Mylapore (Thirumayilai MRTS). 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. One of Chennai's oldest and best-known temples, said to date to the 8th century, although the present structure dates to the 1600s. Notable above all for its soaring, incredibly detailed 37m gopuram (entrance gate). There is a large water tank behind the temple, used for the Thaipusam festival (Jan-Feb), and plenty of flower shops all around and the famous street markets of Mylapore selling Indian handicrafts and brass vessels. Within easy striking distance of the city centre. This temple is for Goddess Karpagambal or 'Goddess of the Wish-Yielding Tree'. The goddess is one of the forms of Parvati, Lord Shiva's wife. Nearby the temple, there are pharmacy shops selling traditional Indian medicines of Ayurveda and Siddha. Kapaleeshwarar-templet (Q1587164) på ​​Wikidata Kapaleeshwarar Temple på Wikipedia
  • Karaneeswarar Temple (of Lord Siva), Mylapore. Karaneeswarar Temple, Mylapore (Q6368450) på Wikidata Karaneeswarar Temple, Mylapore på Wikipedia
  • 47 Karaneeswarar Temple (of Lord Siva), Saidapet. Karaneeswarar-templet, Saidapet (Q12980197) på Wikidata Karaneeswarar Temple, Saidapet på Wikipedia
  • Kasi Viswanatha Temple (of Lord Siva), Ayanavaram. Kasi Viswanatha Temple, Ayanavaram (Q6374498) på Wikidata Kasi Viswanatha Temple, Ayanavaram på Wikipedia
  • Kasi Viswanatha Temple (of Lord Siva), Mambalam. Kasi Viswanatha Temple, West Mambalam (Q6374499) på Wikidata Kasi Viswanatha Temple, West Mambalam på Wikipedia
  • Kothandaramar Temple (of Lord Rama wielding Kothandam - His bow), Mambalam. Kothandaramar Temple, West Mambalam (Q6433997) på Wikidata Kothandaramar Temple, West Mambalam på Wikipedia
  • 48 Kothandaramaswami Temple (of Lord Rama wielding Kothandam - His bow), Nandambakkam. Kothandaramaswami Temple, Nandambakkam (Q6433998) på Wikidata Kothandaramaswami Temple, Nandambakkam på Wikipedia
  • 49 Krishnaswami Temple (of Lord Krishna), Muthialpet. Krishnaswami Temple, Muthialpet (Q6437619) på Wikidata Krishnaswami Temple, Muthialpet på Wikipedia
  • Kundrathur Shiva temple (Vada Thirunageshvaram), Kundrathur (kndrathur bus depot). Sekkizhar built this temple 1,000 years ago.
  • Kumaran Kundram (The Deity of Lord Murugan in Kumaran Kundram is considered to be equivalent to the one in Swamimalai) (Very near MIT Fly over). small hillock at Kumaran Kundram near by Madras Institute of Technology, very near by the Chennai airport (around 9 km or 5 miles or 15-20 minutes). The temple can also be reached from the airport to Chromepet station by the MRTS train towards Tambaram. Kumaran Kundram (Q6443548) på Wikidata Kumaran Kundram på Wikipedia
  • Kurungaleeswarar Temple. Kurungaleeswarar-templet (Q6447460) på Wikidata Kurungaleeswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • 50 Marundeeswarar Temple (Marutheeswarar Temple, Tamil: மருந்தீஸ்வரர் ஆலயம்), Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-41. (in Thiruvanmiyur). 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. Shaiva sidhantha lectures daily 7PM-8:30PM. This temple is believed to have been built in 11th century and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed that the temple was also visited by Saint Valmiki, who authored the Hindu epic Ramayana. The temple has two entrances, one from East Coast Road and the other from West Tank Street, both adorned by 5-tiered gopuram (gateway tower). The entrance from the West Tank Street has got three gates whereas the entrance from the East Coast Road has only one gate. The temple occupies an area of about 1 acre (0.40 hectares) - numerous images adorn the pillars of the temple, while stucco figures adorn the gopurams. The Mandapam (hall) housing the Somaskanda form of Shiva has 36 massive pillars adorned with carvings. Marundeeswarar Temple (Q6777963) på Wikidata Marundeeswarar Temple på Wikipedia
  • 51 Marundeswarar Temple. A Shiva temple having a rich sthala purana or location history. Marundeeswarar Temple (Q6777963) på Wikidata Marundeeswarar Temple på Wikipedia
  • 52 Mathyakailash Temple (Nadukailai), Sardar Patel Road, Adyar, Chennai-20.. 5:30AM-noon, 4PM-8PM. Very popular for locals. Ananda Vinayagar Lord Ganesha (the bestower of Happiness. Ananda, in Sanskrit, means Happiness) sits right in the centre of Parameshwar, Ambikai and Thirumal. The temple is very close to the IIT Madras and Adyar Cancer Institute. Madhya Kailash (Q12445208) på Wikidata Madhya Kailash på Wikipedia
  • Mundaka Kanni Amman Temple (of Goddess Shakthi), Mylapore. Mundaka Kanni Amman-templet (Q6935717) på Wikidata Mundaka Kanni Amman Temple på Wikipedia
  • Muthialpet Bairagimadam Temple. Bairagimadam-templet (Q4848590) på Wikidata Bairagimadam-templet på Wikipedia
  • Nandeeswarar Temple. Nandeeswarar-templet (Q17062714) på ​​Wikidata Nandeeswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • Neelagandeeswarar Temple. Neelagandeeswarar-templet (Q6986737) på Wikidata Neelagandeeswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • Parasuramalingeswarar Temple. Parasuramalingeswarar-templet (Q7136057) på Wikidata Parasuramalingeswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • 53 The Parthasarathy Temple, Tiruvallikkeni (Triplicane), 91 44 2844 2462. 6:30AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. Parthasarathy means 'charioteer of Arjuna'. At Tiruvallikkeni (Triplicane) as the Britishers called it, is considered be the oldest temple in the Chennai and origins date back to the 8th century AD, the reference of which has been made in the Vaishnavite works of the Alwar saints. The existence of the Tiruvallikkeni village in referred in the Pallava records and before. The temple derived its name from the pond in front of the temple. It was built by the Pallavas. The temple was renovated by later dynasties, the Chola and the Vijayanagar kingdom. The Temple is dedicated to Lord Krishna. The name Parthasarathy has been derived from two Sanskrit words Partha and Sarathy. The former word refers to Arjuna and the later means Charioteer. Its architecture is a combination of several temple building styles. There are inscriptions of the Pallavas, Cholas and the Vijayanagar kingdom on the temple structure. The temple besides being dedicated to Parthasarathy is also revered for Venkatakrishnaswami and to Ranganathar. The temple, when it was built, housed five avataras of the deity Vishnu. The structure, as it stands today, houses the shrines of popular deities like Venkatakrishnan with Rukmani, Balaraman, Satyaki, Anirudha, Pradyumna, Rama, Lakshmana, Barata, Sita, Shatrugna, Varadaraja and Hanuman. Parthasarathy Temple (Q3522649) på Wikidata Parthasarathy Temple, Triplicane på Wikipedia
  • 54 Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Temple. Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Temple, Saidapet (Q7238466) på Wikidata Prasanna Venkatesa Perumal Temple, Saidapet på Wikipedia
  • Ramapuram.
  • Ravishwarar Temple Sethu Kshetram, Mylapore. Sethu Kshetram (Q7456662) på Wikidata Sethu Kshetram på Wikipedia
  • 55 Saidapet Kamakshi Amman Temple. Kamakshi Amman Temple, Saidapet (Q6355315) på Wikidata Kamakshi Amman Temple, Saidapet på Wikipedia
  • 56 Shirdi Sai Baba Temple, Venkatesa Agraharam, Mylapore, Chennai-4.. 6:30AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. Built in the memory of the revered saint Sai Baba of Shirdi, this temple is among the two shrines dedicated in Sai Baba's name in the city.
  • 57 Sri Balaji Temple, T. Nagar.. Sri Balaji Temple, T. Nagar (Q7585801) på Wikidata Sri Balaji Temple, T. Nagar på Wikipedia
Universal Temple, Sree Ramakrishna Madh, Mylapore,Chennai
  • 58 Sri Ramakrishna Math - Universal Temple, 31 Ramakrishna Math Rd, 91 44 2462110, . 5AM-11:45AM and 3PM-9PM. Mylapore. Swami Vivekananda on his return from the west was requested by the devotees in Madras (now Chennai) to start a Math here. To fulfill their desire Swamiji sent his brother-disciple Swami Ramakrishnananda to Madras in March 1897. After reaching Madras, the first thing Swami Ramakrishnananda did was to set up a small shrine for Sri Ramakrishna at a rented house. He lived there and led a life of renunciation, service and austerities. Slowly he built up the institution as the present Sri Ramakrishna Math and thus Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras, came into existence. This is the oldest centre of the Ramakrishna Order in the South. Srimat Swami Bhuteshanandaji Maharaj, the 12th President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, laid the foundation-stone for this Universal Temple on 1 December 1994 in a grand function. It took five years for the project to take shape as the present grand Universal Temple. On 7 Feb 2000 the temple was dedicated by Srimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj, the 13th President of the Ramakrishna Order. Sri Ramakrishna Math completed hundred years of its service in 1997. The Math is regarded for its spiritual traditions, modern outlook, acceptance of all religions, service as the way of life. With its lushy green surroundings, the Universal Temple is the ideal spot for contemplation and meditation.
  • 59 Thirumalai Thirupathi Devasthanam Temple, Venkata Narayana Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17. (on the seventh peak of Venkata Hill called Venkatachala of the Tirumala Hillocks, the temple lies on the southern banks of Sri Swami Pushkaarini.). 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8PM. Millions of devotees throng this world-renowned temple of Lord Venkatachalapathi. The temple is constructed and maintained by the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams. It is very crowded on Saturdays and Sundays. The temple contains a book store.
  • 60 Thiruneermalai Vishnu Temple (Thiruneermalai Kaalabairavar Temple), Mallima Veedi, Thiruneermalai. This temple is one of the 108 places considered sacred by Vaishnatives. Legend has it that sage Valmiki prayed in the temple and saw the divine darshan of Lord Vishnu in three forms.
  • 61 Thiruvalluvar Temple. Thiruvalluvar-templet (Q7785491) på Wikidata Thiruvalluvar-templet på Wikipedia
  • 62 Thyagaraswamy Temple, Thiruvottiyur (Thyagaraja Temple) (north of Chennai.).
  • 63 Vadapalani Murugan Temple (Sri Vadapalani Andavar Temple, Tiruvalithayam Vadapalani Andavar Temple), Near the Andavar Koil Street, Vadapalani, Chennai.. 6AM-1PM, 3PM-8:30PM. This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Muruga. Renovated in 1920s, the temple has grown popularity due to the visits by many cinema stars.
  • 64 Varasiddhi Vinayaka Temple. Varasiddhi Vinayaka-templet (Q7915473) på Wikidata Varasiddhi Vinayaka Temple på Wikipedia
  • 65 Vedagiriswarar Temple (Kazhugu Koil or 'the eagle temple', Vengeeswarar Temple), Thirukkalukundram. The main attraction here is the large temple atop the mountain which houses the deity of Vedagiriswarar, Lord Shiva. Vedagiriswarar-templet (Q2720665) på Wikidata Vedagiriswarar-templet på Wikipedia
  • Velveeswarar Temple (Agasteeswarar Temple). Velveeswarar-templet (Q7919369) på Wikidata Velveeswarar-templet på Wikipedia

Other holy places


  • 67 Valluvar Kottam, Valluvar Kottam High Rd, Nungambakkam. Valluvar Kottam marks the memorial of one of the renowned poet and saint of the region, Tiruvalluvar. The memorial is shaped like a temple chariot and is, in fact, the replica of the temple chariot in Thiruvarur. There is a 101-feet (30m) high temple chariot structure with a life-size image of the poet in it. This chariot is a replica of the temple car of Thiruvarur in Tamil Nadu. The monument stands as a massive auditorium and was open to public in 1976. Over 3,000 blocks of stone were used to create this memorial to Tamil culture. Valluvar Kottam has quite an extensive space. The auditorium at Valluvar Kottam is said to be the largest in Asia and can accommodate about 4,000 people. It is a revered place in the city as it is considered to bear the impressions of the Tamil culture. The auditorium is surrounded by granite pillars that have the inscriptions taken from the famous work of the poet. The epic Tiruvalluvar, written by the poet consists of 1,330 verses, all of which are inscribed on the granite pillar. The 133 chapters of his famous work Thirukkural have been depicted in bas-relief in the front hall corridors of the chariot. It stands as a modern memorial to the great poet who represents the glorious culture of the Tamils. Valluvar Kottam (Q2509435) på Wikidata Valluvar Kottam på Wikipedia


  • 68 Fort St. George (on the banks of Bay of Bengal). Sa-Th 10AM-5PM, closed on F. It was (formerly known as White Town) was established as the East India Company's fortified foothold in Madras and it was from this small trading post (or 'factory' as it was then known) that British influence spread throughout India. The establishment of Fort St. George marked the birth of the new city that is Madras, in the year 1640. The fort was named after St George who is believed to have preached in the region. The British East India Company, after buying the land from the Nayak of Vandavasi in 1639, led the establishment of what was called the Madrasemen, the permanent settlement of the company. One year later they built the fort as a commanding post in the region. With the increased trade activities of East India Company the region soon developed into a popular trade and commerce centre. The British enjoyed the supremacy in the region till 1746, when the French attacked the fort and captured it. After three years, in 1749 the British regained the ruling power by signing a treaty with the French. In the meantime they fortified the base in order to sustain the invasion of Hyder Ali and the French. The fort is believed to be the first establishment of the British in India. It is a military architecture marvel, which was started as a trading post and later evolved to be the origin of modern Indian Army. St. George Fort holds great historical importance and is looked after by the Archaeological Survey of India. It has a number of other monuments within its boundaries. Inside the Fort is the Fort Museum is decorated with cannons of Tipu Sultan. There are a lot of interesting artifacts showcased in the museum like coins, artifacts and so on. Apart from the museum, the southern division of the Archaeological Survey of India is located here. The place is famous for its exotic collection of books in the library. Today, Fort St George is famous for housing the legislative assembly and is known as the secretariat building. The fort in its present form looks more like a mansion, rather any fort. Various Government offices function inside this building, including the structure which used to be the residence of Robert Clive called the Clive House.St. Mary's Church, situated in the fort, is one of the oldest surviving churches built by the British in India. The tallest flag pole in the country can be seen here: its height is 150 ft (46 m). The pole is now made of metal. The original had been made entirely of teak wood. Fort Museum: for children under 15 years free. For Indians: ₹5/-. For foreigners: US$20. Fort St. George (Q1438739) på Wikidata Fort St. George, Indien på Wikipedia

Museums and art galleries

  • 69 Birla Planetarium, Gandhi Mandapam Rd (close to Guindy National Park and Anna University), 91 44 24410025, 91 44 24416751, 91 44 24915250, 91 44 24918787. The Science and Technology Centre is open on all days except on national holidays. Program Timing 10:45AM–1:45PM and 3:45PM. English noon, Tamil 2:30PM.. Built in memory of B.M. Birla, the well known industrialist and visionary. Adjoining the planetarium is a Periyar Science and Technology Museum which will be of interest to students and other science scholars. Package cost ₹45, ₹20 for children. Birla Planetarium (Q4916535) på Wikidata Birla Planetarium, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 70 Government Museum. Pantheon Rd, Egmore. Established in 1857, the Government Museum of Chennai is one of the popular tourist destinations in the city. It is a multi-purpose State Government Museum in Egmore, which is in the heart of the city, spreading over an area of 16.25 acres (7 ha) of land. Six independent buildings in this Museum campus has 46 galleries. There is an Archaeology Section, Zoology Section, Botany Section, Geology Section, Numismatics Section, Bronze Gallery, Children’s museum, art gallery and various other interesting sections and galleries. It is considered to be one of the oldest museums of India, since its inception dates back to the Colonial rule. There is history behind the origin of this museum. In 1846 AD, the Madras Literary Society debated the proposal of establishing a museum in the then Madras. The proposal was approved by the Court of Directors of the East India Company in London. The Chennai Government Museum was given this sprawling complex which is maintained by the State Government. There are six independent buildings in the Museum campus, which compose of 46 galleries. The museum was inaugurated on December 5, 1896 by the Sir Arthur Eli bank Havelock, the then Governor. He named it after the former Governor, Lord Connenmara. The museum was designed by H. Irvin, the consulting architect of the Government of Madras. The Government Museum has a splendid hall, marvellous reading room and striking Teak wood shelf and stands divided into a number of sections. Parts of the museum are often closed. Phone: 91 44 28193238, 9:30AM-5PM except holidays. A free guide service is available at 11AM and 3PM. Government Museum, Chennai (Q3536763) på Wikidata Government Museum, Chennai på Wikipedia
  • 71 Integral Coach Factory. 10-18. The Railway Coach manufacturing unit of Indian Railways, which has a Rail Museum. The Regional Rail Museum is situated near ICF, Perambur, Chennai amidst the New Avadi Road/Anna Nagar Round Tana/ICF Bus Terminus and Villivakkam. Entry ₹40.. Integral Coach Factory (Q3519752) på Wikidata Integral Coach Factory på Wikipedia
  • 72 National Art Gallery, 91 44 28193238. The top floor, closed in May 2011, offers additional galleries. Sa-Th 9:30AM-5PM, closed F and national holidays. The building of National Arts Gallery was built in the year 1907. This magnificent red sandstone building was designed by Henry Irwin and built by T. Namberumal Chetty. The building represents a typical Indo-Saracenic structure and was initially famous as Victoria Memorial Hall. Built with sandstone and adorned with motifs, the building bears impressions of Mughal architecture. The structure as well as the gallery collections are key factors responsible for the much credited tourist place. The gallery exhibits medieval handicrafts, sculptures, metal ware and paintings belonging to various schools of art, all from the past. The gallery displays paintings belonging to different schools and eras. The gallery's collections are displayed in four different sections that are: Tanjore Painting Gallery, Decorative Art Gallery, Indian Traditional Art Gallery and Ravi Varma Painting Gallery. The Tanjore paintings on glass are wonderful. The miniature paintings from Rajput and Mughal eras are fascinating too. The handicrafts that are displayed in National Arts Gallery belong to the 11th and 12th century, Indian handicrafts, period. Det nationale kunstgalleri (Q7753143) på Wikidata National Art Gallery (Chennai) på Wikipedia
  • 73 Vivekananda House (Vivekanandar Illam), Triplicane (on Marina Beach Road), 91 44 28446188, . Th-Tu 10AM-12:15PM and 3PM-7:15PM. A colonial house where Swami Vivekananda stayed after his return from Chicago. It was also the location of the Ramakrishna Math for a decade before the Math was moved to its present location in Mylapore. The house now features a museum, painting gallery, photo gallery, book shop and video show on the life and teaching of Vivekananda. It is maintained by the Ramakrishna Math. Meditation and spirituality classes are arranged regularly at a nominal cost. Entry ₹10, classes charged extra. Vivekanandar Illam (Q3350092) på Wikidata Vivekanandar Illam på Wikipedia



Chennai has several well known beaches:

Breezy Beach
Edward Elliot's beach
  • 1 Breezy Beach, Water Land Drive Rd, Lakshmana Perumal Nagar, Valmiki Nagar (in the quiet neighborhood of Valmiki Nagar (Thiruvanmiyur)). It is smaller and less popular than the Elliot's beach. This beach is not as commercialized as the Elliot's beach, and is hence more quiet and peaceful. Evenings are very pleasant and with gentle breezy here, Lots of tourists are attracted towards this beach. Since the residential area around this beach is occupied predominantly by young professionals working in the IT/ITES industries (that thrive in the area), this beach has turned into a hot-spot for them. It is less polluted and environment friendly. Those who look for a calm, cool and breezy place to relax, this beach is the best place in Chennai.
  • 2 Covelong, Kancheepuram (40 km south from Chennai on the way to Mahabalipuram). It was known earlier is a small fishing village. Now it is a luxury beach resort. There was a fort built by the Nawab of Carnatic, Saadat Ali. Now a luxury beach resort. It was here that the French General Labourdonnais landed his troops in 1746. Later it was taken by Robert Clive in 1752 and destroyed. The Beach is separated from the mainland by the canal running from Chennai to Mahabalipuram. Taj Group of Hotels runs the Fisherman's Cove Resort with rooms in the main buildings and cottages and the sandy beach here. A small public beach can also be accessed through a narrow drivable road. This beach is still mostly used by the fishermen, but gets crowded on weekend.
  • 3 Edward Elliot's beach, Elliot's Promenade, Urrur Kuppam, Besant Nagar (near Besant Nagar. Take bus to stop 'Annai Velankanni Church Bus Stop' - From Indira Nagar Railway Station take 2nd Ave and walk ten min.). This is spread along the coast down south from Marina. It is also the night beach for Chennai youth. This beach is comparatively quieter. At the end of this beach are the Velankanni church and the Ashtalakshmi temple. Good roads, pavements, walking track illuminated sands, makes a visit to this beach a real pleasure.
  • 4 Marina Beach, Water Land Drive Rd,Valmiki Nagar, Netaji Nagar (The South Beach Road runs past the Madras University, the Senate House, the Chepauk Palace (Nawabs of Carnatica once held their court here). - Take a train to Chepauk or Thiruvallikeni MRTS Railway Station). This is 12 km long and offers excellent opportunities for walks and has a very wide sandy foreshore. Its width is up to 300 m (985 ft). The Marina of Madras is the second longest beach in the world. it is an elegant promenade with flower beds along its lanes. Along the shore, there are many buildings built during the British colonial rule. - It is the most popular gathering place for locals, especially in the evenings and on weekends. It can also get very crowded at those times. The beach is relatively less crowded in the early mornings and more pleasant. Walk along the Marina in the evening to cool off and eat crispy sundal og murukku. Watching sunset and sunrise from the beach is an experience by itself. It's not a swimming beach, though you will see people fully clothed taking partial dips. Other lesser known places in the Marina: Anna Square: Dr. C.N. Annadurai, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu was a very respectable personality among the people of Tamil Nadu. The mortal remains of Dr. C.N. Annadurai were buried at Anna Square, which is situated at the northern end of the Marina Beach. Folk fra forskellige dele af staten kommer her for at hylde den store leder. Det er i midten af ​​en park, og indgangen er attraktiv. Den smukke bue er i form af to konvergerende elefanttænder. Graven til Dr. C.N. Annadurai flankeres af imponerende mindesøjle og evig flamme. Tamil Nadus folk kaldte ham kærligt 'Anna', hvilket betyder den ældre bror. Selvom det er anført her, er Anna Square ikke et must see sted. Der er ikke meget at se, medmindre du har masser af tid til overs.


  • 5 Arignar Anna Zoologiske Park (Vandalur Zoo), 91 44 22751089, fax: 91 44 22750741, . W-M 9 AM-6PM, lukket Tu. Denne zoologiske park ligger i udkanten af ​​Chennai storby (næsten 40 km fra byens centrum). Chennai har sondringen mellem at have den første zoologiske have i Indien, som blev startet i 1855. Denne park siges at være en af ​​de største i Sydøstasien. Dyrelivspopulationen er udstillet i et stort åbent nedhængt ø-kabinet med et simuleret naturmiljø. Mere end 170 arter af pattedyr, fugle og krybdyr er anbragt i denne park. Lion safarikøretøjer, elefantture, batteridrevne køretøjer er nogle af de tilgængelige faciliteter. Højeste tid er i Pongal og weekendferie. 30 kr, gratis under 5 år, 5 til 12 kr 10, stillkamera 25 kr, videokamera 150 kr. Arignar Anna Zoological Park (Q647587) på Wikidata Arignar Anna Zoological Park på Wikipedia
  • 6 Guindy National Park (Børnepark), Sardar Vallabhai Patel Rd, Adyar, Guindy. M W-F 9 AM-17: 30 PM, lukket Tu. Parkområdet ligger tæt på 280 hektar. Guindy Park er sandsynligvis den mindste nationalpark i landet og den eneste park i byens forstæder i Indien. Parken er beboet af mere end 20 arter af træer, omkring 14 sorter af buske og mere end 14 arter af skovpattedyr. Stedet huser også mange arter af sjældne fugle og padder. Guindys tørre løvskove er foret med træarter som Amona Squamosa, Atlanta Monophylla, Feronia Limonia og Azadirachta India. De populære parkdyr inkluderer arter som Indian Antelope (Black Buck), Elephant, Spotted Deer, Indian Civet, Jungle Cat, Hedgehog, Pangolin og Jackal. Nogle sjældne fuglearter, der findes i parken, inkluderer Black Winged Kite, Honey Buzzard og Pariah Kite. Parken er også hjemsted for mange krybdyr og padder. 15, gratis under 10 år, 11 til over 5, skolebørn i alderen 5-12 fra regeringen og støttede skoler, 2, børn fra private skoler, 5-12, 10, stadig kamera, 10, videokamera, 75. Guindy National Park (Q648548) på Wikidata Guindy National Park på Wikipedia
  • 7 Guindy Snake Park (Chennai Snake Park Trust) (ved siden af ​​Guindy National Park). M W-F 8:30 - 17:30, lukket Tu. Grundlagt af en af ​​de fremtrædende naturfredningsforkæmpere Romulus Whitaker. Parken huser et antal slangearter, firben, krokodiller og skildpadder. Parken opdrætter mere end 30 arter af indiske slanger. Nogle af de mest efterspurgte arter inkluderer King Cobra, Indian Rock Python, Reticulated Python, Adders og Vipers. Ud over slangerne opdrætter parken også arter af firben, krokodiller og skildpadder. Museet i parkens lokaler indeholder bevarede eksemplarer af mange krybdyr og padder. De har en slange display show 4 gange dagligt, og levende slanger af forskellige arter vises til publikum med en stemme over på 3 sprog (engelsk, tamil og hindi). 15 €, 5 $ for børn under 12 år. Chennai Snake Park Trust (Q5091461) på Wikidata Chennai Snake Park Trust på Wikipedia
  • 8 Semmozhi Poonga, katedralvej (ligger overfor det amerikanske konsulat). En botanisk have med et bredt udvalg af Bonsai-planter. meget nominelt startgebyr. Semmozhi Poonga (Q12068695) på Wikidata Semmozhi Poonga på Wikipedia
  • 9 Madras krokodillebank, Post BAG nr. 4, Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu 603104 (Croc Bank ligger ca. 45 km syd for Chennai og 15 km nord for turistbyen Mamallapuram. Beliggende i en patch af indfødt skov og foran Bengalbugten er der let adgang til zoologisk have med en af ​​de mange busser, taxaer og auto-rickshaw, der danner den naturskønne East Coast Road.), 91 90800 00123, . Morgenture: Tirsdag til søndag 9:30 til 17:30 (Lukket mandag) Natsafari: 19: 00-20: 30. Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Center for Herpetology (MCBT) er en krybdyrzoo og herpetologi-forskningsstation, der ligger 40 kilometer syd for byen Chennai i staten Tamil Nadu, Indien. Centret er både en registreret tillid (NGO) og en anerkendt zoologisk have. Madras Crocodile Bank må ikke forveksles med en zoologisk have. Ja, du kan bestemt se på krybdyrene i fangenskab. Men i modsætning til en zoologisk have har dette en langt mere dybdegående operation gennem ex-situ og in-situ bevarelse. Lige nu er det hjemsted for omkring 17 underarter af krokodiller og nogle andre krybdyr som frøer, firben, slanger og skildpadder, hvoraf nogle af IUCN er opført som kritisk truet. Parken kan besøges både om morgenen og natten. Tjek parkens websted for oplysninger om fodringstid for krokodiller og andre aktiviteter inden du besøger, og planlæg derefter. Nat safari kræver forudgående reservation. Regelmæssig indrejse: Voksen-60 og barn-30 nat safari-indrejse: voksen-200 og barn-100. Madras Crocodile Bank Trust (Q3043083) på Wikidata Madras Crocodile Bank Trust på Wikipedia


  • Om sommeren bliver det for varmt og fugtigt til at vove sig ud om dagen. Så tag en spadseretur om natten (7-9 PM) på Marina strand og Elliots Beach (Besant Nagar). Det er en god idé at pakke middag og tage en picnic på stranden, som de fleste lokale gør. Hvis du tilfældigvis kører en bil, kan du også overveje at tage et par sammenklappelige stole med. Ud over 22:00 har ingen lov til at være på stranden. Der er politibetjente på stranden for at sikre, at folk følger denne regel, og ved nogle lejligheder har de en tendens til at skubbe folk ud kl. 21:00. Men hvis du er en tidlig stiger, kan du overveje at besøge strandene tidligt om morgenen omkring kl. 6 til 8. Solopgangen er vidunderlig, og der er også en let brise. Vær dog advaret om, at der er hunde, der ligger overalt, og at du har stor chance for at blive ramt af en cricketkugle, hvis du ikke ser ud.
  • Gå en tur over de overfyldte Pondy Bazaar og Ranganathan Street og prøv dine evner i forhandlinger om knick-knacks. Vær advaret om, at det er et meget overfyldt sted, hvor du skal albue dig igennem.
  • Tag en bus eller en bil til Mylapore Tank og gå en tur rundt Mylapore især i og omkring Kapaleeshwarar-templet. Skarer, lyde, dufte af tempel røgelse og blomster og de små butikker skal helt sikkert opleves, men hold væk på fredage. Det bliver for hektisk selv for erfarne Mylaporeanere.
  • Chennai er også hjemsted for et af de bedst bevarede Art Deco-arkitektoniske områder i Indien, Parrys hjørne. Det er også Chennais ældste centrale forretningsdistrikt, selvom det for længe siden har givet plads til Nungambakkam og T Nagar. Hvis du er særlig interesseret i arkitektur eller fotografering, er dette et must at besøge. Glem ikke kroge og kroge.

Musik og dans

Chennai er berømt for sine koncerter og forestillinger, der finder sted i forskellige auditorier og templer hele året, som er annonceret i hindu og andre lokale aviser. I den tamilske måned Maargazhi (December - januar) er der en række klassiske Carnatic musikkoncerter og klassiske danseforestillinger i forskellige dele af byen, men de bedste er organiseret i forskellige Sabhas (oversættes løst til "koncerthus"). Du vil for det meste se ældre berømtheder, selvom der lejlighedsvis vil være nogle unge virtuoser i verdensklasse. Gratis adgangskort gives normalt til debutantforestillinger (kaldet Arangetram på tamil) og til forestillinger afholdt på hverdage (før kl. 16, når publikum begynder at fylde op).

Chennai er et stort centrum for Bharata Natyam med over 1.000 danseforestillinger om året. Flere danseformer opmuntres nu og undervises som Kuchipudi (Traditionel danseform fra Andhra Pradesh), Mohini Attamosv. Nogle andre danser som OdissiManipuri kan findes, men er sjældnere.


Gå ikke glip af chancen for at se en film, når du er i Chennai. Der er flere nye tamilske filmudgivelser hver fredag ​​eller sammenfaldende med helligdage. Bortset fra tamil får film på andre indiske sprog som hindi, kannada, telugu og malayalam også brede udgivelser i Chennai. Mange af Hollywood-franchisefilmene nyder en enorm fan, der følger og vises på nogle teatre (dubbed) i tamil. Sørg for at reservere dine billetter på forhånd, især i weekenden, for de fleste biografer er udsolgt. Chennai giver også den bedste filmoplevelse til den laveste pris ₹ 120 / - og mindre, hvilket er meget mindre sammenlignet med andre metrobyer som Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad og Kolkata. Tjek enhver lokal avis eller websteder for at lære filmene, der kører i og omkring Chennai, at kende. Nogle af biografhaller er

  • Abhirami Cine-kompleks. Purasawalkam, i Abirami Mega Mall.
  • AGS Biografer OMR, Coromandel Plaza 87 / 1A, 5. sal, Navalur.
  • AGS Royal. Villivakkam.
  • Devi Cineplex. I hjertet af Chennai på Anna Salai. Cineplex er et enormt kompleks og en stor arkitektonisk skønhed.
  • Ega Biografer (tidligere Ega Theatres), 810 Poonamallee High Road, Kilpauk, 91 9840499445 (bookinger), 91 9940699336 (generelle henvendelser), . Indeholder hindi, tamil, andre sydindiske og engelske film. Biografhallerne har aircondition.
  • Undslippe biografer, Express Avenue, Royapettah, 91 44 4224 4224. 8 skærme af førsteklasses kvalitet med 3D, Dolby Atmos og RDX-teknologi. Hver af de 8 skærme har en anden indretning, der føjer til stedets stilkvotient.
  • Ganga Theatre Complex. Kolathur.
  • Inox. Chennai Citi Center, RK Salai
  • Kamala Biografer. Vadapalani, overfor Green Park hotel.
  • Mayajaal Cine Complex, # 34 East Coast Road, Kanathur, . ECR. Multiplex med 14 skærme langt væk fra byens travlhed. Bortset fra i sjældne tilfælde er reservation ikke et must, og pladser kan bestilles i skranken.
  • PVR. AMPA SkyWalk Mall, Nelson Manickam Rd. The Grand Mall, Velachery
  • 10 Rakki-teatret. Ambattur.
  • Rohini Biografkompleks. Koyambedu.
  • Sangam Cine-kompleks. I kilpauk. For billetter.
  • Sathyam Cine-kompleks, Thiru-vi-ka Rd, 91 44 42244224. Et af de bedste teatre. Tilbyder kvalitetsfødevarer, og hovedskærmen er en af ​​de største i Indien. Berømtheder og filmstjerner hyppige dette kompleks.
  • Shanti Cine-kompleks. Anna Salai
  • S2 Thiagaraya Biografer.
  • Udhayam Teater. Ashok søjle.
  • Vetri-teatret. Chromepet.
  • Palazzo IMAX (Palazzo Cinemas-Vadapalani), Forum Vijaya Mall, NSK Salai, Arcot Road, Vadapalani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600026, Indien (Auto, taxa, bus, metrotog), 91 44 4224 4224.
  • Prathana Drive-in-teater, SH 49, Cholamandal Artists Village, Injambakkam, 91 44 2449 1402. Beachside drive-in biograf viser aktuelle film og tilbyder en afslappet restaurant og legeplads for børn. Dette teater viser to shows om dagen. Tjek vejret, inden du tager derhen, da forestillingerne ofte annulleres i regnvejrsdage.


Chennai har været en af ​​de fremtrædende sportsplaceringer i Indien, med en bred vifte af sportsgrene, der spilles næsten overalt lige fra hvert gadehjørne til store stadionskampe.

  • 11 M. A. Chidambaram Stadium (Berømt kendt som Chepauk Stadium). M. A. Chidambaram Stadium (Q1188061) på Wikidata Chepauk Stadium på Wikipedia

Cricket er en festival i sig selv i Indien. Hvert tv i indkøbscentret er indstillet til cricket i løbet af kampsæsonen, og hele byen indstiller sig på sporten på en eller anden måde. Chennai er et internationalt sted for cricket og er også en hjemmebane for Chennai Super Kings crickethold. Mens du er i Chennai, kan det være interessant at fange et spil og nyde den elektriske ånd fra indisk cricket. Tæt på Chepauk er der flere sportsudstyrsbutikker, hvor du kan købe cricketudstyr af god kvalitet til lave priser.

  • 12 Nehru Stadium. Nehru stadion blev bygget i 1990'erne og har været vært for mange hockey og fodboldkampe. Bortset fra dette er der et stort indendørs stadion ved siden af ​​Nehru stadion. Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Chennai (Q6165990) på Wikidata Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium (Chennai) på Wikipedia


Chennai har snesevis af forskellige højere læreanstalter fra kunst til teknik. Byen tilbyder også masser af muligheder for at lære Yoga, Bhartanatyam, karnatisk musik og Bhagavad Gita.



Chennai kaffebar
Chennai-jasminleverandør på Pondy Bazaar
  • 1 Ampa Skywalk (Ampa Mall). Et indkøbscenter i Chennai med vestlige og indiske mærker med i butikkerne. Mest populær for sin PVR Cinemas multiplex, Star Bazaar købmand og en af ​​de få McDonalds i byen. Det har også en food court og et boutique-hotel. Ampa Skywalk (Q2844086) på Wikidata Ampa Skywalk på Wikipedia
  • 2 Chennai Citi Center, 10, Radhakrishnan Salai. For det meste mænds vestlige slidmærker som Adidas, Louis Philippe, Parx og Zodiac. Har en god madbane, en indisk restaurant, INOX biograf og et supermarked. Chennai Citi Center (Q5091433) på Wikidata Chennai Citi Center på Wikipedia
  • 3 Express Avenue, Royapettah High Rd.. Det er det næststørste indkøbscenter i det sydlige Indien og byder på unikke butikker som Hamleys, Global Desi og Peekaboo, designertøj som Guess og Diesel og high-street kæder som Body Shop, Tie Rack, Esprit og Lush. Det har et par fine restauranter og også en af ​​de største madretter i Indien. Escape Cinemas, et multiplex på 40.000 m², 8-skærm, ligger på 3. sal. Lokal ungdom forkorter normalt navnet til EA fra det enorme skilt på bygningens indgang. Express Avenue (Q5421659) på Wikidata Express Avenue på Wikipedia
  • 4 Ispahani Center, Nungambakkam Road.. Et tidligt indkøbscenter - har en café, bar og butikker.
  • 5 Phoenix Market City. Ved Velachery med ca. 2,4 millioner kvadratfod (inklusive 0,45 millioner kvadratfod parkering) af udviklingsareal. Ud over de sædvanlige Market City-komponenter forventes Market City Chennai at omfatte en IT-park. Phoenix Market City (Chennai) (Q16898372) på Wikidata Phoenix Marketcity (Chennai) på Wikipedia
  • 6 Prince Plaza, Pantheon Road, Egmore. Det er blevet vist i mange film.
  • 7 Shoppers stop, 2, Harrington Rd, Chetpet.. Dette er et af de største stormagasiner i Chennai, og du kan købe alt fra tøj til sko til bøger her.
  • 8 Spencer Plaza, 769, Anna Salai.. Spencer er et vartegn i Chennai, der dateres tilbage til kolonitiden. Originalen blev ødelagt under en brand, og den nuværende bygning dateres tilbage til 1983. Den nye fase III-sektion har endda et mock-indo-saracenisk atrium i originalens stil. Et af de tidligste indkøbscentre i Indien, det har lidt mistet sin charme med ankomsten af ​​flotte nye indkøbscentre, men det er stadig et fremragende sted at købe kunsthåndværk, etnisk slid, indiske smykker og bøger (det huser den største vartegn boghandel i Chennai ). Der er en rimelig god madret på 2. niveau i fase I og fase III. Spencer Plaza (Q3493024) på ​​Wikidata Spencer Plaza på Wikipedia
  • 9 Forum Vijaya (Vijaya indkøbscenter), 183, Arcot Road, NSK Salai, Vadapalani, 600026 (Op mod Kamala teater), 91 44 4904 9000. 10.00-10.00. Forum Vijaya (Q17053100) på Wikidata Forum Vijaya på Wikipedia


Chennai har et bredt udvalg af sjældne bøger og kort i de mange brugte bogboder.

  • Alwar's Roadside boghandel. Overfor Kamadhenu-teatret i Mylapore.
  • Bogfelt (overfor LIC-bygningen på Anna Salai, Mount Road).
  • Higginbothams. Anna Salai.
  • Kennedys Boghus. Anna Salai.
  • Sælgere nær hovedbanegården
  • Leverandører på Mount Rd uden for Devi Theatre og GPO (General Post Office)

For mere aktuelle publikationer:

  • Fniser, Connemara Hotel Binny Rd. Generelle bøger fra en venlig butiksindehaver.
  • Odyssey. Bag Gandhi Nagar Busstand, Adyar og Express Avenue, Royapettah


  • Chennai Book Fair (årlig). Placering og datoer kan variere årligt. Hvis du tilfældigvis er i Chennai i januar, er Chennai Book Fair en begivenhed, du ikke må gå glip af. Planlæg at besøge på en hverdag, da de tiltrækker mindre skarer, og du kan gennemse samlingerne fredeligt. Hvis du vælger en weekend eller ferie, så prøv at besøge om morgenen i stedet for om aftenen. Se gennem alle butikkerne, men det er normalt bedre at springe teltboderne over og besøge de mindre, som har bøger stablet rundt omkring. Du vil blive belønnet med nogle gode fund, da disse butikker har mindre kendte, men fremragende titler fra hele verden. Bær kontanter, da mange af de mindre butikker ikke accepterer kredit- / betalingskort, og kontanter hjælper også i nogen grad med at forhandle prisen på bøgerne. I gennemsnit koster paperback-romaner i gode butikker ₹ 100 til ₹ 200. Et budget på 3000 kr skal være nok til at købe en god samling bøger.
  • Ord og værd, Nr. E28, 2nd Avenue, Besant Nagar, 91 44 2446 8659. 10:00 - 20:30.


  • Aavaranaa, 27/14, C V Raman Road, Alwarpet, 91 44 4500 0020, . Boutique tøj fra naturlige stoffer til kvinder.
  • FabIndia, 3 Woods Rd. Ilford House placeringen på er sandsynligvis det bedste med hensyn til valg og valg. Dette er stedet at gå til alle dine naturfarvede, håndvævede og håndlavede tekstiler. Priserne er steget de sidste par år, men FabIndia er den eneste kilde til denne form for tekstil i Chennai på ethvert detailforretning.
  • Håndvæv udstillinger. Hele året er der altid en håndvævsudstilling, der profilerer den ene eller den anden stats arbejde. Disse midlertidige installationer (du bliver nødt til at tjekke de lokale papirer for at finde ud af, hvor de oprettes) har generelt et godt udvalg af interessante stoffer og tekstilprodukter. Og der er altid mulighed for at forhandle, hvilket gør det til et bedre valg end ofte for dyre butikker. Royapettah YMCA (overfor Royapettah Hospital) har en regelmæssig udstilling af håndvæv.
  • Bare casuals, Nungambakkam, 1, Sterling Rd., 91 44 28273882. Et godt sted at tage hovedet, hvis du er i humør til Banana Republic / Abercrombie / Old Navy / Gap type ting. De ser ud til at få alle eksportafvisninger eller overlagre. Du finder ud af, at alle mærketags er skåret ud på grund af en vis aftale med producenten. Kvaliteten og priserne er gode, men desværre er der ingen mulige forhandlinger.
  • Raymond shop, 162 Anna Salai (Modsat til Spencers). Der er flere afsætningsmuligheder i Raymond, der handler omkring Chennai. Skræddersyede skjorter, dragter og andet garderobetilbehør til mænd.
  • Shanti-kolonien. Annanagar er et knudepunkt til "sekunder" tøj som i ovenstående beskrivelse for "Just Casuals".


  • Ametyst, Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Rd, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram, 91 44 2820 3582. Håndværk.
  • Ashvita - Kunst og artefakter, 11 2. St Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, 91 44 2847 6063. Kunst, smykker, fotoprint.
  • Håndværk og vævninger, # 1, 1. hovedvej, CIT Colony, Mylapore, 91 44 2466 0232. Håndværk.
  • Giri Stores. Støder op til Kabaleeswarar-templet, (overfor Radha Silk Emporium, Mylapore Tank). Hinduistiske spirituelle genstande som Rudraksha-kranser, bøger, cd'er og bånd til chanting, røgelsespinde, kamfer og lamper.
  • Hidesign, Ispahani Center, Nungambakkam High Rd & Phase 3, Spencers Plaza. Lædervarer.
  • Jidoka butik, 1st Lane, Nungambakkam High Rd, 91 44 2822 3516, 91 44 2822 3317. Håndværk.
  • Manasthala, 12 Cenotaph Rd, 91 44 2433 2842. Terracotta keramik.
  • Poombukar, 108 Anna Salai, Plandmark (overfor LIC-bygningen i Annasalai og ved siden af ​​boghandlen Higgingbothams). De sælger kunsthåndværk.
  • Poppat Jamals, Mount Rd Anna Salai (opp. Spencers Plaza). Servise.
  • Victoria Technical Institute, 180, (gammel nr. 765) Anna Salai (Tæt på Spencer Plaza), 91-44-2852 3141. 10.00-19.30. De har en kæmpe visning af kunsthåndværk, malerier, træudskæringer og metalværksstatuer. £ 20 til ethvert beløb.
  • Vimonisha Art Gallery, 12 Khadar Nawaz Khan Rd. Håndværk.



  • Aavaranaa, 15, Ashoka Street, Alwarpet., 91 44 24988292.
  • Co-Optex, No.350, Pantheon Road, Egmore (Tæt ved Govt Museum og Connemara bibliotek), 91 44 28193175. Statens regeringsdrevne butik. Godt sted at købe ægte silke sarees og dhotis. De sælger også andre ting som salwar-sæt, gardiner, lagner, pudebetræk osv.
  • Radha Silk Emporium (Rasi). Silke sarees, etnisk slid, kunst og kunsthåndværk flere steder.
  • Revathy Stores, Nr. 7/8, RK Mutt Rd (Luz Bazaar-bygning), 91 44 24934328. Lille butik med en bred vifte af Kalyani og indiske håndvævede sarees.
  • Shilpi, 29 C.P. Ramaswamy Rd. Alwarpet.
  • Vardhrams og Son's Silks. Harington Rd, Chetpat.
  • Palam silke, Gammelt nej. 67, nyt nr. 153, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, 91 44-2499 0259. 10:00.


  • Aarthi Thanga Maligai, 60 øst Kalamandapam Rd. Royapuram. Guld til rimelige priser.
  • Aishwarya smykker. Mylapore Tank. Guld og sølvtøj.
  • B.B Smykker, 6/127 Arcot Rd. Porur. Specialiseret i guld.
  • Bapalal juvelerer. Kakani Towers, Cathedral Road. Diamanthandlere.
  • Jaipur Gems, 50 Cathedral Rd. Eksklusiv designer StarFire Diamond smykker, autentiske Jadau smykker.
  • Joyalukkas, 39 North Usman Rd. T'Nagar. Indiens største eksklusive smykkecenter, der huser verdens største smykkeudstillingslokale for den internationale detailhandler Joyalukkas blandt andre verdenskendte detailhandlere.
  • Jugalkishore juvelerer. CP Ramaswaamy Road, Alwarpet. Traditionelle og antikke smykker.
  • Kanishk. Usman Road, T'Nagar. Stor værdi for pengene & bred vifte.
  • N. Gopaldas, Nyt nr. 59, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore. Juvelerer siden 1929. Til eksklusive diamantsmykker.
  • Narayana perler, Kasi Arcade, T.Nagar. God samling.
  • Rasvihar. 138 Luz Church Road, Mylapore. Til eksklusive moderne smykker.
  • Tanishq, 100 Ft Bypass Road, nær Velachery Lake, Velachery (tæt på Phoenix Market City indkøbscenter). Fra Titans hus. Guld, diamant og platin smykker. Trendy samlinger, gennemsigtig prisfastsættelse og klar fakturering. Tanishq driver også andre forretninger i Adyar, Anna Nagar og T.Nagar
  • Vummidi Bangaru smykker, Nungambakkam. Indeholder diamanter og guld. Der er også en placering T'Nagar.
  • GRT juvelerer (GR Thangamaligai), T.Nagar (Auto, taxa, bus, lokaltog). G. R. Thanga Maligai (Q5512418) på Wikidata G. R. Thanga Maligai på Wikipedia


  • Lakshman shruthi, Vadapalani Signal, Vadapalani. Musikinstrumenter, cd'er.
  • Sapthaswara Musicals. Indeholder vestlige og indiske musikinstrumenter.
  • Shruthi Musicals, 10 Harleys Rd., Kilpauk, 91 44 2660 3630.
  • Sruthilayais, 93 Royapettah High Rd, Mylapore, 91 44 2499 4045, 91 44 2498 2625. Musikinstrumenter.

Ud over disse er der adskillige udstillinger i Das Community Hall (Cathedral Rd) og Shankara Hall (TTK Rd), hvor håndværkere viser deres arbejde. Se de lokale aviser for detaljer og tidsplaner.


Chennai har adskillige restauranter, der tilbyder et udvalg af retter. Strandrestauranterne er godt vedligeholdt og serverer god mad om aftenen. Spisestederne i Chennai spænder fra budget, mellemklasse og op-marked. Der er flotte restauranter med stjernekvalitet, almindelige åbne traditionelle vegetariske eller ikke-vegetariske restauranter - hvor du deler et bord med fremmede, gadeboder, te-kadaier, fastfood-centre, vestlige fastfood-centre, food domstole, caféer, bagerier til eksklusive specialiserede virksomheder . Vegetariske restauranter serverer tiffin og vegetariske måltider. Der er også en række restauranter, der serverer en række tamilske, Andhra og Kerala vegetariske og ikke-vegetariske retter. Mange af disse restauranter har i dag spredt sig og tilbyder også andre indiske og indianiserede kinesiske retter. Normalt inkluderer checken et servicegebyr, skrevet ved siden af ​​'S.C.' Hvis der ikke tilføjes noget servicegebyr, er det almindeligt at efterlade et moderat tip.


Alle disse budget spisesteder serverer kun vegetarisk mad og er meget billige.

  • Cholayil Sanjeevanam, Nyt nr. 97, gammelt nr. 45, Nungambakkam High Road i Nungambakkam, 91 44 4549 0324. En populær vegetarisk "sundhedsrestaurant", der tilbereder mad ved hjælp af ayurvediske principper. Maden er virkelig lækker, og konceptet er, at de koges med lave mængder olie ved hjælp af sunde ingredienser. Kæden har også ayurvediske og yogiske klasser.
  • Spis n drik, 570-N, Anna Salai, Teynampet (ved siden af ​​Courtyard Marriott). Sydindisk fastfood, fra masala dosas til uttapam og pongal. Hurtig, billig, velsmagende og hygiejnisk. ₹20-40.
  • Geetha Café,. Pondy Bazaar. Sydindisk tiffin.
  • Hot Chips. T.Nagar og Anna Nagar til prisbillig sydindisk tiffin, inklusive nordindiske chat-varer (snack).
  • Hotel Saravana Bhavan. Sandsynligvis Chennais mest kendte vegetariske restaurantkæde med 25 filialer i Chennai selv (inkl. En ved siden af ​​Kapaleeswarar Temple). Ren vegetarisk indisk mad med høje hygiejnestandarder.
  • Karpagambal rod, Mylapore, overfor Kapaleeswarar-templet. Billig og autentisk sydindisk mad.
  • Kebab Junction, 19, Mount Road, Royapettah, NV (opp. Express Ave, nær Melody Theatre), 91 44 4215 8036.
  • Mansuk's, T.Nagar.. Bedst til Bombay Chat, Lassi og en ubegrænset Gujarati Thali.
  • Palimar, Parsn Complex, Mount Rd, Anna Salai. Sydindisk køkken.
  • Rathna Cafe, Triplicane. også Thiruvanmiyur, overfor RTO. For fluffy hot idlis, hot vadai, lækker pongal drypper i ghee og ledsaget af sambhar. Kvalitet opretholdt i mere end 100 år. Dyrere end Murugan Idli-butikken.
  • Sangeetha, 82, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam (ved krydset mellem Valluvar Kottam High Rd og Nungambakkam High Rd). Vegetarisk kæderestaurant med en blanding af velsmagende sydindisk, nordindisk og "indokinesisk" køkken af ​​god kvalitet til meget rimelige priser.
  • Spice Box, Thiruvanmyur, 91 44 4304 2365. Frokostleverancer og gourmet udendørs catering. Sund, innovativ frokost-middag i 6 muligheder er fantastisk at prøve.
  • Sri Krishna slik, Mount Rd, Spencers Plaza, Adayar, Anna Salai, også på MG Rd, Shastri Nagar. Indiske slik og salatbar. Nordindiske "chat" (snack) genstande.
  • Vasantha Bhavan (nær Vadapalani Busstand). Kæde af vegetariske restauranter.


  • Aiwo (Vegetar), 7 Rosy Towers, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam., 91 44 66514241. Fusion og sundhedsfødevarer. Et 14-retters måltid serveret på et transportbånd, der bevæger sig rundt i lokalet. Forskellige serverede retter skal koges i olivenolie. Sund velsmagende mad til den sundhedsbevidste. Bordreservationer. Sydindisk 199 kr pr. Måltid inklusive skatter.
  • Amaravathi (ikke-vegetar), 1 Cathedral Road Gopalpuram, 91 44 28116416, 91 44 28110305. Dagligt kl. 11-11. Sydindiske havmadskøkkener og er kendt for sin krydret Andhra mad. Deres berømte Andhra måltider, kylling og fårekød biryani. Vazahapoo og keerai vadi er et must at prøve. Kølig kylling, chili paneer, momos, supper, burgere, ruller osv. Punjabi retter som kadhai kylling, smør kylling, daal makhni, roti, smør naan, paneer smør masala, allu matar osv. Særlige fiskerjer og Amaravathi kylling er de vigtigste retter af restauranten. Siddepladser: 135 covers. Betjent parkering og take away. Bordreservationer. Sydindisk. Gennemsnit for 2 personer ₹ 500.
  • Amethyst cafe og restaurant, Sundar Mahal, Padmavathi Road, Jeypore Colony, Gopalapuram, 91 44 2820 3582, 91 44 28353581 (resv). Vegetar. Multi-køkken. Have og gårdhave cafe og restaurant med en blanding af vestlige (pasta, burgere) og indiske retter. Køkken serveret af Amethyst er kaffe og international. Det er et dejligt, hyggeligt, romantisk sted at slappe af i weekenden. Deres køkken er rart, og det samme er deres interiør. Dens et koloniale hus forvandlet til en restaurant. Bordreservationer tilgængelige.
  • Amma, 1 Dr. Giri Rd, T Nagar (nær Bharathi Raja Hospital), 91 44 28340242. 11.30-15.30 og 19.00-10.30. Ikke-vegetarisk sydindisk. Kendt for autentisk Chettinadu-køkken. Bordreservationer (ikke-vegetar). Måltider til 2 omkring £ 350.
  • Anjappar. ikke-vegetarisk sydindisk. Specialitet: Anjappar Populære måltider: Hvid ris, Chettinad kylling, fårekød, fiskesav, Sambar, Rasam, Kootu, Porial, Keerai, ostemasse, kærnemælk, appalam. Også berømt for Spl. Fårkød Dum Biriyani, Nattu Koli Biriyani og Chettinaad Fish Masala. Måltider til to € 500.
  • Annalakshmi, 18/3, Rukmani Lakshmipathy Rd (Marshall Rd), Sigapi Achi Building I Floor, Egmore (Støder op til Raja Muthaiah & Rani Meyyammai Hall), 91 44 228525109. Tirs-sø middag kl. 14.30, kl. 19.30-21.45. Vegetar. Dette er et must-prøve dyrt sydindisk madrestaurant. Elegant atmosfære, venlig service og god mad. Fyldte portioner serveret. Bedst sælgende retter - Elumichai Sevai, Badam-safran milkshake. Elite publikum. Bordreservationer. Sydindisk. 1.000 € for 2 måltider.
  • Anupama Southern Spice, 25, 1. sal, G.N. Chetty Road, Thyagaraya Nagar, 91 44 31000733. Ikke-vegetarisk. Andhra specialitet køkken. Bordreservationer. Sydindisk.
  • Kaskaden, 91 44 2834 3030. Quality Inn Sabari, 1. etage, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Rd, T.Nagar. kinesisk mad
  • Skorstenen (ikke-vegetar), 91 44 2472 5950. Liberty Park Hotel 9, 1st Main Road, U.I. Koloni, Kodambakkam. Overvejende nordindiske kebab og kinesiske retter serveres. Et meget behageligt sted på de køligere aftener, når der altid er en mild brise. Bordreservationer. Spisning på taget
  • Curry House, 2, Block AB, 11th Ave, Anna Nagar, 91 44 42611167, 91 44 42611168. Middag-15:00, 19:00 til 23:00. Ikke-vegetar. Multi-køkken. Chettinad og Kerala delikatesser. God tandoori-billetpris af den ikke-veg-sort, der er populær blandt Punjabi'erne og findes overalt i Delhi. Bordreservationer. Måltider til to omkring £ 350.
  • Dynastiet, 315, Valluvarkottam High Rd, Nungambakkam (Harrisons Hotel), 91 44 22227775. Ikke-vegetar. God kinesisk-indisk køkken af ​​god kvalitet. Reservationer til rådighed. Kinesisk mad.
  • Shanghai Annaachi, 9B, 1. sal, Kakani Tower, nyt nr. 34, gammelt nr. 15, Khader Nawaz Khan Rd, 91 93 2357063. kinesisk mad
  • Dhaba Express (ikke-vegetar), 9 Cenotaph Rd, 91 44 2432 8212. 11.00-15.00 dagligt. Teynampet og Nungambakkam High Rd. Køkken serveret af Dhaba Express er nordindisk. De serverer Chicken Tikka Masala, fårekød Rogan Josh, Tandoori Aloo (starter), Naans og Roomali Rotis. Parkeringsservice. Bordreservationer. Måltider til to € 500.
  • ECR Dhaba, 9/76, Kunnukadu, East Coast Rd (I nærheden af ​​Muttukadu Boat House), 91 44 44 27472943. 11.00-11.45. Ikke-vegetar. Punjabi mad. Bordreservationer.
  • Kystlinje (ikke-vegetar), 118, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai, Mylapore, 91 44 28251128. Sydindisk fisk og skaldyr. Frisk gjort interiør, langsom service men lækker mad. Krabbe rasam, rejer eller fisk biryani. Bredt udvalg af tilbud på havet mad. Skal prøve sted. Bordreservationer Måltider til to € 600.
  • Grillenation, Sri Devi Park hotel, . Buffet koster £ 1.000 pr. Person. Det anbefales stærkt at reservere på forhånd.
  • Eden er, Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvarkottam High Road, Nungambakkam. Vidunderligt kontinentalt køkken, fuldt vegetarisk.
  • Gallopin stikkelsbær. Burgere, sandwich og hovedretter. Har to forretninger:
    1. 4/359, Gatsby Village, Mgr Road, 91 44 24493924
    2. 11, butik 2, 2. sal, Greams Road, vartegn: nær tusindlys politistation Telefon: 91 44 28291077, 28292190
  • Gyan Vaishnav. Mount Road, nær Anand Theatre. Nordindiske.
  • Kadalivanam. Mogappair, 100% naturlig, fuldt vegetarisk restaurant.
  • Karaikudi, 91 44 2815 1021. VeeraRaghava Road, T. Nagar (also at Anna Nagar, Besant Nagar, Mylapore, Thiruvanmiyur) Chettinadu cuisine.
  • Murugans Idli Shop. 2 locations: GN Chetty Road T. Nagar and Besant Nagar. Murugan Idli Shop is a chain restaurant, and the GN Chetty Road shop in particular is a well-kept secret among locals as a purveyor of high-quality food; on weekends, there is a long line for entry. South Indian. One meal is ₹20-40.
  • Noodle House. A chain restaurant, whoese locations include: 1. Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road) and 2. the Intersection of Sterling Road and Nungambakkam High Road in Nungambakkam. Kinesisk.
  • Pizzaurant. Velachery Road, Little Mount, Saidapet. Cuisine pizza & pasta. (Without MSG.) Home delivery for nearby areas, very Indian.
  • Poonamallee, Breeze Hotel, 850, Poonamallee High Road, 91 44 2641 3334. 91 44 2643 0596. Multi-cuisine.
  • Ponnusamy, Commander-in-Chief Road (opp Ethiraj College), Egmore. Chettinadu cuisine
  • Rangis, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam. Kinesisk.
  • Swati and Swayam, At Saravana Bhavan, Peters Road. South Indian.


  • 1 Peshawri (ITC Grand Chola Hotel), No. 63 Mount Road, Guindy, Little Mount, Guindy, 91 44 2220 0000. The award winning Peshawari is the Indian speciality restaurant with the rugged flavours of the North-West Frontier and the art of tandoori cooking. The food is cooked in clay ovens or tandoor in the traditional style which is viewed through the open kitchen. (5-star hotel) Rated Expensive.
  • 2 Pergola, The Accord Metropolitan Hotel, 35, G N Chetty Road, T Nagar, 91 44 28161000, 91 44 43911000 (Table reservations). 7PM-midnight. The highest open to sky restaurant in the city, featuring grills and Indian cuisines. Seating capacity 120.
  • 3 Bella Ciao, Lounge Beach Garden, #4, Shri Krishna Enclave, Kottivakkam, 91 44 24511130. Italian-owned and run, authentic Italian food. The famous wood fired oven pizza, home made pastas, steaks and salads.
  • 4 Lille Italien, Eldorado No 112, Nungambakam High Road, 91 44 42601234, 91 44 42601230 (Table Reservations). Italian restaurant. Italian classic cuisine with a perfect wine. Chef's favourites: Pizza Mellino, Pasta del Fattore and In Wines- Brunello di Montalcino.
  • 5 Prego (Taj Coromandel), Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, 91 44 5500 2827. Gourmet Italian dining, replaced Patio.
  • 6 Teppan, 146, TTK Road, Alwarpet, 91 44 32216635. Hibachi style, the cook prepares your meal with a show right in front of you. Very entertaining especially for younger diners. Excellent sushi and sashimi. ₹2000 for a meal for two.
  • Cedars, Wallace Garden Road, Nungambakkam, 91 44 42182397. Dim lit ambience is beautiful with exquisite furnishing in Mediterranean style. They serve the most authentic Lebanese, Middle Eastern delicacies and some interesting Mediterranean cuisines.
  • 7 Don Pepes, 73, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram, 91 44 28221461. noon-2:45PM, 7AM-11:45PM. Mexicansk. Above Hot Breads as an extension, they are best known for their fajitas (sizzlers) and enchiladas (a tortilla wrap with some Mexican rice). Expensive.
  • 8 Cream Centre, 55, 2nd Main Road, Raja Annamalaipuram (near Kaliappa Hospital), 91 44 42815777, 91 44 42815776 (forbehold). 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11PM (11AM-11PM on weekends). Cream Centre offers a wide range of vegetarian food choices- North Indian and Mexican, to American, Italian and even Lebanese. Nachos, Channa Bhatura, American Corn Cheese Ball, Sizzlers & Sizzling Brownie. A specialty here is the Mera Thali, where you have a choice of dishes from which you can make your own thali.
  • 9 Entree Restaurant, Emall hotel, Express Avenue Mall, Gate No 1, Pattullous Road, Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002., 91 44 28463333, 91 44 28463358. 100% vegetarian multi-cuisine restaurant. Serves fare from all around the world - Thai soup, Mexican main course, Indian spices tadka, French pastry for desserts.
  • 10 Copper Chimney, 74, Cathedral Road, Gopalapuram (opposite the Chola Sheraton), 91 44 28115770. noon-3PM, 7PM-midnight. Mainly North Indian and Iranian inspired dish. Specialities: Bagani Bahar, Paneer Musselum. Rated expensive.
  • 11 The Great Kabab Factory, Radisson G R T Hotel, G.S.T. Road, St Thomas Mount, 91 44 22310101. noon-2:45PM, 7PM-11:45PM. Specialities: Galoutti Kabab, Tangri and Murgh Malai Kababs, Fish and Mutton Kababs. They serve alcohol and have valet parking. expensive.
  • 12 Navaratna, 1 GST Rd, Le Royal Meridien, St. Thomas Mount (Le Maridien), 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545 (forbehold). Noon-3PM & 7PM-11:45PM. India Restaurant serving Royal Indian Cuisine. Live Ghazal performances. A Private dining room is available for up to 12 persons and an intimate bar for pre-dinner drinks. very expensive.
  • Kayal, Le Royal Meridien, 1, G.S.T. Road, St. Thomas Mount, 91 44 22314343, 91 44 43534545 (forbehold). 7PM-11:30PM. Seafood restaurant. Coriander prawn, seafood platter, Kadia lobster, prawn biryani. Nice complimentary garlic bread with butter. very expensive.
  • Dakshin, Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, 132, T.T.K. Road, Alwarpet, 91 44 24994101. 12:30PM-2:45PM, 7:30PM-11:45PM. South Indian Cuisines- Dakshin offers the 'rare' pleasures of ethnic coastal and regional cuisines. The choicest cuisine of the four Southern states served in a regal setting. Live Carnatic Music. Expensive but excellent food- Starters include traditional, kuli paniyaram. Try the Idi appam or Appam with mutton stew. Desert: Kulfi.
  • Southern Spice, Taj Coromandel, Nungambakkam High Road, Nungambakkam, 91 44 55002827.
  • 13 Benjarong, 146, TTK Road, Alwarpet, 91 44 24322640. 12:15PM-2:45PM and 7:15PM-11:45PM. The authentic flavour of Thailand. Seating capacity 68.
  • 14 The Good Spot (Good Spot), 30/31, Second Main Road, Kasturibai Nagar, Adyar, 91 44 48622727, . 11AM-11PM.


Chennai is a difficult place to drink. Government rule states that only establishments with a minimum of 21 rooms can obtain a bar or liquor license. Hence there are no standalone bars or pubs here. All the bars that are around are part of some hotel or the other and in general overpriced.

Government run liquor stores called TASMAC are all over the place but in general not at all a pleasant experience. They usually have unpleasant staff and environment and usually will have local brands. Also they always tend to mark up each bottle by ₹5-10 over the listed price. Go for it if you want a one time war like experience in order to obtain some booze!

Nightclubs close at 11PM, even on Fridays and Saturdays, according to government rule.


  • Paradise Bar, 20 South Usman Rd. Aruna Hotel, T Nagar, 91 24346565/0834
  • The Pub, Liberty Park Hotel, 1st Main Road, UI Colony, Kodambakkam, 91 98 4172 1110. Very nice decor and good service for the price. It gets crowded on important cricket match days as the local sports fans gather for a drink here.


  • Bike and Barrel. Residency Towers, T.Nagar.nice ambience there are 2 levels lower level for couples and upper level for stags. Nice sitting arrangement but can get crowded Expect to spend around ₹1,000 for 2 people for drinks and food.
  • Cambridge. Hotel Dee Cee Manor, GN Chetty Road, T.Nagar
  • Krystal. Hotel Ranjit, Nungambakkam High road, Nungambakkam.
  • Diesel. G.N Chetty Road, T.Nagar
  • Grammy. Hotel Sabhari, Thirumala Pillai Road, T.Nagar
  • Hudson, Harrisons Hotel, 315, Valluvar Kottam High Road, Nungambakkam, 91 44 4222 2777. Has two levels. Hudson Upper and H2O. Cramped seating providing very little privacy. The liquor stable is limited to the local brands and a bottle or two of scotch.
  • Million Dollars, 100 Feet Rd. Hotel Ambica Empire, Vadapalani
  • Star Rock. Kodambakkam High Road (Next to Palmgrove hotel), Nungambakkam
  • Zero° bar, 29 Thirumalai Pillai Rd. Quality Inn Sabari, ground floor, T.Nagar


  • Distil Bar. Taj Connemara, Binny Road
  • Dublin. Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet, 91 24994101
  • Durrants Bar. Chola Sheraton, Cathedral Road, 91 28110101
  • Above Sea Level, Hotel Raintree, St.Mary's Road, Alwarpet.
  • 10 Downing Street, Kences Inn Hotel, North Boag Road, T Nagar.
  • The Westminister, 91 44 2499 4101. Park Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Chamiers Road, Alwarpet
  • Zara. Cathedral Road.
  • Zodiac- Lounge Bar, The Accord Metropolitan, 35,G.N.Chetty Road, T'Nagar, 91 44 28161000. 11AM–midnight. Popular labels, ingenious cocktails, rare blends of liquor & a wide selection of hot and cold canapés. Seating capacity 76.

Local specialities - soft drinks

  • Fruit Bizz (Adyar signal), left corner building from ananda bhavan road to guindy. This is one of the best juice shops very famous in adyar region. Shop open from morning 10AM till 1AM. ₹30-50.
  • NeerMoar. Spicy butter milk, with local seasoning. Available at most South Indian restaurants.
  • Tender Coconut. Definitely try a tender coconut on a hot summer's day. Available on roadside stalls at ₹35 to 40, a coconut.



  • 1 Broadlands lodging house, No 18, Vallabha Agraharam Street (opp Star Theatre,Triplicane), 91 44 2854 8131, . Very popular with the backpacker crowd, leafy courtyard, a rustic feel to the whole hotel, good rooms are in the back of the hotel and two of the most recommended rooms are room # 43 and 44, which are roof cottages. Single room ₹250, double ₹400.
  • 2 Cristal Guest House, 34, CNK Road, Triplicane (From the Central Train station, get out and take a pre-paid Auto Rickshaw for a total of ₹50 (₹2 fee ₹48) to Triplicane.), 91 44 285 13011. Very clean and friendly place with western toilets. No towels provided; bring your own. Near good/inexpensive eateries. This place is walking distance from the beach and a bus stops to reach various sites. Double room is ₹300 with ₹10 hot water bucket.
  • 3 Hotel Chennai Gate, 37 Gandhi Irwin Road, 91 44 2819 4377, . Deluxe room is ₹1500 with A/C with internet socket available for ₹100 for 24 hours.
  • 4 Hotel Impala Continental, 12 Gandhi Irwin Rd, 91 44 2819 1423, 91 44 2819 1778.
  • 5 Hotel Karpagam International, South Mada Street, Mylapore., 91 44 2495 9984.
  • 6 Kanchi, 28, Ethiraj Sala, Egmore (C-in-C Road), 91 93600 17001.
  • 7 New Woodlands Hotel, 72-75, Dr Radha Krishnan Salai, CIT Colony, Mylapore, 91 44 2811 3111. It is sometimes crowded and a tad busy. There is a nice quiet art gallery and cafe nearby.
  • 8 Old Woodlands (a.k.a Royapettah Woodlands/Woodlands Hotel that is next to Woodlands Theatre), Shop No: 25, West Cott Road, Royapettah (Pay no more than ₹40 to get there from the railway station), 91 44 2848 2150, 91 44 2848 2152. Little known, but an excellent place to stay. The hotel building is at least one hundred years old and stands in the middle of sprawling grounds and surrounded by massive trees. The main building was once the palace of Raja of Ramnad. The auto-rickshaws and taxis will not tell you about the place as the hotel does not pay a commission to middlemen.
  • 9 Palace Lodge, new No. 69, old No. 32, Egmore High Road, Egmore (Walk from Egmore Railway Station), 91 44 28190687. Reasonably clean, staff okay. Single, bathroom outside: ₹295.
  • 10 Sri Krishna Residency, South mada St, 91 44 24643617. Mylapore.
  • 11 Zam Zam Guest House, 41 Subathral St, Triplicane, 91 44 42664508, 91 80566 74964 (mobile). Clean spotless rooms and nice staff. It is about 100 m behind Thaj Regency Hotel on the small street. Look for the black marble entrance and sign. All rooms have bath, fan, sat TV and intercom. Squat toilets only. No mosquito nets on the windows though. Prices are ₹200 for a single person, ₹250 for two persons and ₹300 for 3 persons per 24 hours. Predominantly an Indian clientele. Close to Broadlands Lodge, Comfort Hotel, and the great Gee Gee Internet and Surya Restaurant (old name Maharaj). The whole spot is about 300 m from the T-junction of Triplicane High Rd and Walaja Rd where there is a bus stop of 27B bus to CMBT under the big tree (every 5 minutes).
  • 12 Hotel Krishna Bhavan, 53 New Avadi Road, Kilpauk, Aspiran Garden Colony, Kilpauk, 91 4425615211. ₹300.
  • A/c Dormitory, Retirement Room @ Central Railway Station. ₹265.
  • Stay Easy Serviced Apartments, No:10, 1st Main Road Bharathi Nagar Thiruvanmiyur, Adyar, (opposite LB road near Thiruvanmiyur post office) Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600041, 91 9841771792, . budget serviced apartments in chennai.



The closest hotels to the airport are The Trident, Le Royal Meridian, Hilton og Radisson GRT Hotel all five star properties.

Pas på dig selv

Chennai is generally a safer area of India in terms of crime, although pickpocketing, muggings, and robberies sporadically occur. Keep your doors and windows shut and locked at night and do not carry or display large amounts of cash if possible.

It is advisable for women, especially unaccompanied ones, to dress modestly and limit their interaction with unfamiliar local men. Foreigners are generally overcharged by autorickshaws simply because they are ignorant of the prevailing fares. It is necessary to confirm whether the driver knows the exact destination and to fix the fare before boarding. 'Autos', as autorickshaws are known in Chennai, are notorious for fleecing customers, tourists and locals alike.

Be alert to your surroundings and watch where you step, especially if you get caught in a large crowd where it is difficult to look at what is in front of you. Cross streets extremely carefully as traffic is generally heavy. On major roads, use the underground crossings (locally called "subways"). Avoid using underground road-crossing/ subways in the night or if you notice them to be empty. Traffic signals are frequently ignored by drivers and pedestrians alike, and it is not at all advisable for tourists to try driving in Chennai.

Bliv sund

While in Chennai it is advisable to drink bottled water keep a bottle handy as it is EXTREMELY HOT. Eating fresh vegetables and fruits that have sat outside in the presence of insects can also be unhealthy, although bananas and coconuts are usually safe because they are opened only immediately before eating. Hot drinks in restaurants such as tea, coffee, and other local specialties are safe, as are packaged/bottled drinks such as Aquafina water, Frooti (a popular local mango drink) and others. If you have access to a stove, boiling tap water before drinking is also an option.Chennai summers are humid and sultry; it's better to step out with an umbrella, bottled water and some oral rehydration salts (available from pharmacies, the brand name is Electral). These come in handy if you happen to get dehydrated.

Chennai is the medical capital of South Asia.



  • Apollo Pharmacy, All Over the City
  • Health & Glow, Spencers Plaza (Phase 3), Mount Road; Nungambakkam High Road
  • Madras Medical Mission, 24 Hr. Pharmacy, Mogappiar
  • The Psychotherapy Clinic,26/1, Arcot Street,T.nagar
  • My Mother Pharmacy,E.B.Colony
  • Parasu Dental Pharmacy 11, 3rd cross st kasthurbha nagar adyar chennai - 20 ph 4211 5000
  • MedPlus India, All Over the City

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BSNL og Airtel Reliance, Tata, are main providers of terrestrial telephone lines in Chennai. You can make long distance calls from one of the many booths that display NSD/ISD i.e. National Subscriber Dialling (National Long Distance) and International Subscriber Dialling (International Long Distance). Calling cards are also available with these providers which are considerably cheap.

Mobile phones

Cell phone rates are among the cheapest in the world. There are 10 GSM service providers:

  • BSNL GSM Triband with 3G services
  • AirTel GSM Triband with 4G services
  • Vodafone GSM Triband with 4G services
  • Jio 4G Services with Advanced High Speed Network

You can buy a sim card with a photo and a copy of your passport. For making long distance calls Aircel is cheaper with ₹49 card calls to US and Canada will be ₹1.50/Min. this will work only in home network. For other destinations Please check with operator.

CDMA service providers are Reliance,TATA Indicom, Virgin Mobile og MTS.

Starter packs and top-up cards can be picked up from numerous outlets. Seemles roaming across the country is provided by all providers.


There are several Internet cafes from where you can access the internet for sending email or uploading your digital photos.

  • Reliance WebWorld, incorporating JavaGreen coffee shops, Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road); TTK Road, Alwarpet, Besant Nagar, L.B.Road, Adyar. The TTK Road branch has free wifi if you use the coffee shop.
  • MTS MBLAZE High Speed Broadband Internet Through USB Modems. Call 91 9150-955-955

Apart from that you can access Internet provided in your hotel or if you are staying long you can buy Internet packs from all mobile providers.



  • ABN Amro, Harrington Road, Opp Residency Hotel on GN Chetty Road, Adyar - Sardar Patel Road, TTK Road, next to Citibank branch
  • Andhra Bank, All over Chennai
  • HSBC, Adyar, Mylapore, Pondy Bazzar, Tidel Park, Kadar Nawaz Khan Road, Annanagar, Rajaji Salai, Kathipara Junction
  • American Express, Near Anand Theatre, Anna Salai (Mount Road)
  • Citibank, Opp Spencers Plaza, Anna Salai (Mount Road); Opp Hotel Parthan, GN Chetty Road, Opposite Citi Centre, Velachery Highway, near Vijaya Nagar Bus terminus, Nanganallur.
  • HDFC Bank, ITC Centre, Anna Salai (Mount Road),Anna Nagar(West); All over Chennai
  • ICICI Bank, All over Chennai
  • Axis Bank, All over Chennai
  • Standard Chartered Bank, Haddows Road
  • State Bank of India, All over Chennai. They have an ATM locator online.
  • Indian Overseas Bank, All over Chennai,they have InstaCash ATMs.
  • Indian bank, All over Chennai
  • Oriental Bank of Commerce, Adyar LB Road, Mylapore, G N Chetty Road T nagar.

ATM cards issued by any bank will work with ATM of any other bank, but they may impose restrictions on number of transactions, amount per transaction and may also charge a small transaction fee of ₹20.

Money changers

Many hotels will change money for you at the front desk. However, they may not have the best rates.

It is best to change money at the city-based money changers than the ones at the airports. The ones at the airport offer much less for exchanging forex into Indian rupees (₹) and sell forex for a much higher rate than the market rate.

  • American Express, Spencers Plaza, Anna salai
  • Thomas Cook, Spencers Plaza, Anna salai

Beauty parlors & hair salons

  • Ayush, Anna Nagar ( 91 26223102/26223446/26203862), Kilpauk ( 91 52179635/26472298), Mylapore ( 91 52067071/30907691) - Therapy includes Abhyangam, Abhyangam med Pichu, Abhyangam with local Pizhichil, Abhyangam med Thalam, Udvartanam, Abhyangam med Nasyam, Abhyangam with local Navarakizhi, Muka Lepam
  • Anushka,6,Thyagaraya Road,Pondy Bazaar, T.Nagar, 91 52179197
  • Celeste Beauty Salon, Spencer Plaza,(Mobile -9941130508) F-26, Phase 1, First floor
  • Dollys beauty parlour, Elcanso Plaza, Egmore, 91 9840118882
  • Green Trends, 1576, 13th Main Road, Anna Nagar ( 91 26161534); Ashok Nagar ( 91 52193636); Adyar ( 91 24451759); Purusawakkam ( 91 52174414); Taylors Road, Kilpauk ( 91 26453331); T. Nagar ( 91 28143886); Velachery ( 91 22445590); Virugambakkam ( 91 55511973) - Exotic natural treatments like Strawberry facial, Avocado Butter Massage Facial, Red Banana Facial, Baby-Corn under eye treatment! etc.
  • Jazzy, North Boag Road, T. Nagar
  • Lakme, Adayar ( 91 24469730), Alwarpet ( 91 24662481), Anna Nagar ( 91 26268841), Ashok Nagar ( 91 23750207), Kilpauk ( 91 52179634), Nungambakkam ( 91 28333050), T. Nagar ( 91 28155577)
  • Naturals, Unisex beauty salon with more than 100 salons around Chennai.
  • Salon Nayana, GN Chetty Road, T. Nagar, 91 28256064
  • Style Mantra- Makeover Concepts, Nungambakkam ( 91 28280066), R.K. Salai ( 91 28110707)


  • Blue 'Boutique Gym'-329, TTK Road, Alwarpet.#24996045,24996064.
  • Body Sports Gym-Govindan Road, Saidapet. #9841151091
  • Gold's Gym 17, Kasturi Rangan Road Alwarpet, 91 44 42088201
  • Mind N Body 360 degree Fitness Studio - Ramapuram & Mugalivakkam. #9600030058, 8754409900, 044-42014949
  • O2 Gym, Kader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam, Velachery
  • Soldiers Gym, Triplicane High Road, Triplicane (and on Anna Salai)
  • Talwalkars, Near Khader Nawaz Road, Nungambakkam
  • Talwalkars, 23rd Cross Street,Indira Nagar, Adyar

Post & telegraphs

The telegraph office on Anna Salai (Mount Rd), near Higgin Bothoms accepts letters and parcels up to 8PM with a small late fee. Snail Mail in India is by a Post Card (25Ps), Inland Letter ₹5, or envelope ₹5. Speed Post facility allows you to send mail more conveniently than a courier service. They have a pan India coverage and also provide international service. International delivery is considerably slower than private competitors like FedEX or UPS but it is also much cheaper. Telegraph services have been discontinued from July 2013 citing very poor response.

Due to proliferation of mobile phones and VOIP, the public telephones are fast disappearing. Telephone Booths or public telephones in India can still be found near travel hotspots like the airport, railway station or CMBT and usually painted with the letters PCO (Public Call office,local calls), STD (Subscriber Trunk Dialling) and ISD (International Subscriber Dialling). All booths have electronic metering and you pay what's displayed on the meter (included in the metering is a nominal ₹2 as service charges). You'll also get a receipt if you insist on one. Coin operated phones ₹1 are located in many busy junctions (easily identified by bright yellow or red colour) but support only local calls.

Libraries & cultural centres


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The East Coast Road, also known as the New Mahabalipuram Road, leads south from Chennai to Pondicherry og videre. One of India's most famous temple towns is 60 km (about 40 miles) along it and definitely worth a visit:

Krishna's Butter Ball- Mamallapuram
  • Mamallapuram eller Mahabalipuram has many temples, mostly built during the Pallava Dynasty (275-897CE), including several on the UNESCOs verdensarvsliste. The town is also famous for stone carving, and has schools that train most of India's carvers. Carvings and other handicrafts are sold all over town.
It is easy to visit Mahabalipuram as a day trip from Chennai, but there are enough attractions to make staying overnight or for a few days an attractive proposition as well, and the town has extensive tourist facilities. One of the most famous temples here is the Shore Temple, next to the beach; if coming from Chennai ensure you reach this temple between 6AM and 6PM, as it is shut down after 6PM.

The East Coast Road could very well be termed the entertainment highway of Chennai. The road is new, flanked by the sea on the left and dotted with amusement spots through the entire stretch. Driving down ECR is an experience. Really! You can pick and choose from amusement parks, water sports centres, beaches, eco conservation, cultural and religious centres, restaurants or resorts to spend your day in. The road caters to practically every type of pastime that one could think about. Be prepared to pay a small toll fee.

  • Ahaa Water Park: A spot for frolicking in water, the Ahaa Water Park offers a variety of water sports and fun activities. It has a wave generator, which can generate waves of up to 3.5 ft.
  • Beach Resorts: Another convenience that is found in plenty on the East Coast Road is the presence of several comfortable, pleasing, beach resorts, which enable you to take a break, and enjoy a seaside environment. Take your pick from those mentioned below:
    • - Buena Vista - Blue Lagoon - Green Country Resort - Fisherman's Cove - Casuarina Bay -
  • Cholamandalam Artists Village: Set up by a group of artists to serve as a recluse for artists of all genres. This village offers the ambience needed for creativity to flow and is inhabited only by artists. The village offers guesthouse facilities exclusively for artists from elsewhere so that they could also benefit from the environment provided by the place. A must visit for those who appreciate the finer things of life.
  • Madras Crocodile Bank (Crocodile Park). Tue-Sun 8:30AM-5:30PM. 25 km from Chennai. The brainchild of Romulus Whittaker, the acknowledged specialist on reptiles, this center has gained fame as an endeavor for the preservation and propagation of endangered species of crocodiles. The center also houses a large variety of snakes. To get to Crocodile Bank from Chennai (Triplicane), you need to get on the PP19/B/X bus (runs along the beach) to Kovalum, which is the last stop for ₹14 (75mins/30 km). Then at this same intersection, get on 588/C/X bus to Mamallapurum (7 km/7mins) for ₹14/18AC. Night Safari: Tue-Sat (by advance booking only) 7PM-8:30PM. Adult: ₹200/-, Children (below 10 years): ₹100/- ₹40 for adults, ₹20 for children.
  • Dakshinachitra: , Muttukadu. A venture of Deborah Thiagarajan and her associates from the Madras Craft Foundation. Dakshinachitra is an amazing place to visit, as various kinds of traditional houses have been transported to Chennai from interior parts of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala and rebuilt here piece by piece.
  • Golden Beach: The first amusement park in Chennai, just about 11 km away from Adyar. Still a landmark of Chennai, this park offers over 40 odd rides for the fun seeker. The only park with an access to the beach
  • Hill stations af Tamil Nadu, inklusive Yercaud, Yelagiri, Ooty og Kodaikanal
  • Hotels and Restaurants in ECR: The ECR road abounds with restaurants and eating spots, which offer a wide range of cuisines and tasteful ambience. And you can plan your dinner or lunch in one of these hotels. A few of the food outlets are listed below:
    • - Basera - Blue Lagoon - Thanjavur Restaurant - Food Village - Coastal Kitchen - Hot Kitchen -
  • Jagannathan Temple: An exact replica of the Puri Jagannath Temple. Those who have not been to Puri can take a look at this temple.
  • Kanyakumari — Site of the famous Vivekananda memorial.
  • Kart Attack: A centre dedicated to fulfilling the speed maniac's desire for thrill in a safe and secure environment. The first go karting centre of Chennai, this has placed Chennai on the go karting map of India, and has been instrumental in creating a few go karting champions also.
  • Little Folks Specifically aimed at providing entertainment for the children, this park has a longer history than MGM. (Dolphin city was closed after all of its dolphins and sea lions had died. It is no longer operational now.)
  • Marina Beach (17 km. Take a bus or a train)
  • Mayajaal: 100,000 sq.ft of air-conditioned space that houses movie theatres, bowling alleys, video games parlours and multi-cuisine food courts. This is Mayajaal, a multidimensional entertainment centre, on par with any entertainment zone found abroad. Open from 11AM to 11PM you can easily spend the entire day here.
  • MGM Dizzee World: Spread over 27 acres, this theme park offers joy rides, food stalls and other games. It features one of the first roller coaster rides of Chennai, and many of the rides offered could make your hair stand on edge. On the softer side, you have the dashing car drives, and the swimming pool with its water slides. MGM Dizzee World is in Muttukadu next to MGM Beach Resort.
  • Muttukadu Boat House: 23 km from Adayar, this backwater area is maintained by the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, and offers rowing and speedboat riding.
  • Pondicherry (163 km. Take a bus) — Go on a spiritual trip or volunteer at Auroville - an experimental township with no religion or politics. The drive down the East Coast Road (ECR) is delightful, with lovely beaches all along the way, and on the way you can stop over at the Botanical Gardens.
  • Prarthana Drive In Theatre: Approximately 10 km out of Adyar, this complex offers both a drive in theatre and a drive in restaurant VGP.
  • Radio Control Car Racing at ECR RC Track: Chennai has the only active RC Car race track in India. On a weekend, you can find several RC car racers at the ECR RC Track located near Hot Kitchen Resatuarant on the ECR Road. It is very close to Kart Attack track. Visit IRCRA on Facebook for more details.
  • Rameswaram (569 km. Take a bus or a train)
  • Sai Baba Temple: Approximately 8.5 km from Adyar, the temple is peaceful, clean and breezy.
  • Tiruvannamalai (185 km. Take a bus)
  • Tirupathi (158 km. Take a bus or a train)
  • Tiruvidanthai Nithya Kalyana Perumal Koil: As the name denotes, a temple dedicated to Lord Venkateshwara found on East Coast Road.
  • Vedanthangal: (85 km. Take a bus) Around 80 km south from Chennai, Vedanthangal is one of the oldest bird sanctuaries in India. Built around the Vedanthangal Lake, it is home to thousands of native and migratory birds. Best time to visit between November and March.


South India is famous for its temples. Even if you aren't on a pilgrimage, these are worth a visit if you are interested in grand buildings and architecture. There are 33, 000 temples in and around Chennai. Some of them are -

  • Chidambaram — Approximately 250 km from Chennai. The famous Lord Nataraja temple which has the golden roof for the moolavar which was offered by Parantaka Chola I.
  • Kanchipuram — (6 km. Take a bus or a train). Kamakshi temple, seat of one of the Shankaracharyas - the closest Hinduism comes to a spiritual head.
  • Madurai— Home to the famous Meenakshi temple.
  • Swamithoppe— Ayya Vaikundar Pathi, religious headquarters of Ayyavazhi.
  • Thanjavur — Brihadeswara temple (Big Temple).
  • Tiruchirapalli — It's situated 350 km south of chennai. By NH45 Trichy can be reached in 5-6 hrs and it has lot of attractions including the Srirangam temple (Sri Renganathar), Ucchi Pillayar (Rock Fort temple) and the river Cauvery.
  • Tirunelveli— Home to the Tamil Nadu's largest Shiva temple, "Nellaiappar Temple".
  • Tirupati — Approximately 150 km from Chennai, in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Tiruvallur — Approximately 45 km from Chennai. It is famous for its Vaidhya Veera raghava Swami Temple and Sri Viswaroopa Panchamukha Anjaneya Swami Ashram which has a 40 ft tall Murti of Hanuman.
  • Tiruvannamalai — Arunachala Temple famous for full moon day girivalam and Deepam
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